By David Crowther
The DynamicMaps Address & Street Management Application has been updated to now add an extra security step before you delete records.
In previous versions of the Address & Street Management application, if you wanted to delete an Address or Street record, you simply pressed the Delete Trash Can icon to the left of each record…
A message would then show to ask if you are sure you wish to proceed?…before deleting that record or cancelling the delete process.
The latest version of the application has added an extra step in. If you now wish to delete a record, you must first enable the delete option for the records that you wish to delete. To do this, click on the small Delete Trash Can icon to the left of each record.
The chosen record will then be updated so that the Delete Trash Can becomes enabled (larger)…
… and now you can choose the Delete Trash can button and as before you will be asked to ensure you are happy before proceeding?
This change has added an extra step to deleting records. You must now enable the delete trash can, for each record that you want to delete, then further choose the delete icon and finally choose OK before proceeding. Our users see this as a great enhancement to ensure they don’t delete records by mistake.
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