By David Crowther
Cadline is pleased to announce we have added a new Decorated URL Parameter for MapThat.
The DynamicMaps WebGIS – MapThat – has a range of Decorated URL Parameters that enable you to publish a URL to auto open a MapThat Project with inbuilt settings, including:
- User
- Role
- Project
- User, Role and Project combined
- Centre Map on Coordinates (E&N or Long & Lat)
- Set Map Zoom Level
- Auto load a Layer
- Auto load multiple Layers
- Auto show a bubble for a specific feature in a Layer
- Filter and zoom to features
Our latest MapThat decorated URL now allows you to publish a single URL that will auto open MapThat, load a specific layer, zoom to a specific feature and when using the drawing tools, if you draw a new feature, it will replace the existing geometry of the specified record.
Here is an example decorated URL, that loads record ID 4428 from the Planning Apps Layer,…. and using the Drawing tools, the user can digitise a new feature, which will actually update the geometry of the specified Planning Application.
So now you can provide your users with a single decorated URL, that auto opens an individual record into your MapThat instance, allowing the user to redraw the geometry of an existing record, without having to create a new one and delete the old one.
This functionality will be great for updating any out-of-date Grounds Maintenance or Planning assets with correctly digitised map features – and means you won’t need to re-enter exiting attribute information again!
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