MapThat – Excel Loader Allows Multi-Layer View

  • Updated

By David Crowther

Cadline is pleased to announce we have updated the MapThat – Excel Loader tool to allow users to view multiple Excel Imports at the same time.


We have re-developed the MapThat – Excel Importer tool, so that a user can now choose to display more than one Excel Import at the same time!

For example, you can choose to show the Hospitals layer….

MapThat___Excel_Loader_Allows_Multi-Layer_View_-_2.JPGAnd then with one extra tick, you can also display the parks!

MapThat___Excel_Loader_Allows_Multi-Layer_View_-_3.JPGUsing the Cadline webGIS – MapThat – your users can upload any number of excel files containing their point information, and easily display those layers on the same map!

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