by David Crowther
In this previous Cadline FAQ we provided details of the Aerial Photography Great Britain (APGB) project and the Imagery services that are available -
In October 2020 the supplier of these Imagery layers changed to Airbus and the existing Web Map Services (WMS) were replaced.
So if you have been informed that you now have a new WMS, here is how to get that data into MapThat.
- The core URL that you will be supplied will look like this (note it has your own details in the GUID section) -
- To make this MapThat compatible you simply need to append this text to the end of the supplied URL:
- For the 12.5 cm resolution append this: &service=WMS&layers=AP-12CM5-UK-WMS&version=1.3.0&format=image/png&crs=EPSG:27700
- For the 25 cm resolution append this: &service=WMS&layers=AP-25CM-GB-LATEST-WMS&version=1.3.0&format=image/png&crs=EPSG:27700
Note - You may find that the new URL is a little slower than the previous supply, so you may want to tick the option in the layer to RENDER as TILE as this will start tiling the WMS so you can see it appear more quickly.
Once you have updated your URL, the Aerial Imagery will now render for you in MapThat –
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