by Dennis Collin
It is often the case that Revit working views need to have their view settings temporarily overridden for checking or to make an editing task easier. Whilst tools like view templates are essential for controlling such settings, this can be a bit excessive for a quick model check that is only temporary in nature. In addition, this tool can be used when a view template has been assigned to the view to maintain a desired drawing style. Performing a temporary view property override can be quickly set and unset aiding in project efficiency.
The Temporary View Properties tool is located on the View control bar, the display of elements such as linked files, filters and categories can be toggled on and off. It is even possible to temporarily apply a view template to the view. Once the check is complete then the temporary view properties can be switched off thereby resetting to the original style of that view.
Fig. The purple frame indicates that any changes to an elements visibility state in this mode is temporary.
Once the edits or check is complete, either disable the temporary view properties which will remember the overrides of the view for a potential future check, or instead restore the original view properties that were in effect before the override was applied.
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