Revit 2021: Section Views

  • Updated

by John Flanagan


Sections Views

Revit provides standard view types for 2D views and 3D views, such as floor plans, elevations and sections. Section tools create additional views of you model for detailing.

Fig 1: Section tool (Ribbon View tab>Create panel)


You can also select the section tool from the Quick Access Toolbar.

How to Create a Section View 

  • Select the section tool and place the cursor at the starting point of the section and drag through the model or family.

   Note: You can snap a section line parallel or perpendicular to a non-orthogonal datum or wall. Snapping to a wall is available in plan views.

  • Click when you reach the end point of the section. The section line and the crop region appear and are selected.


  • If desired, resize the crop region by dragging the blue controls. The depth of the section view changes accordingly.
  • Click Modify or press Esc to exit the Section tool.
  • To open the section view, double-click the section header, or select the section view from the Sections grouping of the Project Browser.
  • The section view changes when the design changes or the section line is moved.

About Section Views  

  • A section is a cross section in a building model that you place by drawing a line. The view associated with this section is known as a section view.
  • A section cuts through a model so that the interiors of model components along the section line are visible.
  • There are three default types of sections: building, wall and detail.
  • Each type of section appears in a separate listing in the Project Browser.


Segments in Section Views 

  • You can split sections into segments that are at right angles to the view direction.
  • You can then use these segments to show parts of a building model located at different distances.



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