by Martin Phelps
Building on my previous blogs relating to “Dormer” creation, this is a variation of creating a “Dormer”, but this time with a flat “Roof”.
It may be easier to create the “Walls” and “Roof” that make up the “Dormer” away from the main building, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1.
Only three walls are required, however it may be easier to create four “Walls” using the “Rectangle” option within the “Modify | Place Wall” tab, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2.
Check the heights of the “Dormer” components do not exceed the height of the main building roof, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3.
“Copy” or “Move” the “Dormer” components to the correct location in the main roof, as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4.
Working in the “3D View”, rotate the view to look down on the “Model” and set the “Visual Style” to “Wire Frame” as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5.
This will make it easier to select the “Dormer” component in the next steps.
Using the “Join / Unjoin Roof” command select the “Dormer Roof”, then select the main roof. The “Roofs” are now joined.
Using the “Dormer Opening” command, select the “Roof” to which the “Dormer Cut” will be added, now select the internal edges of the “Walls” and the “Edge of the Dormer Roof” that will make up the “Opening” in the main roof, as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6.
The created “Lines” are displayed in magenta indicating the “Sketch”. Using the “Trim / Extend to Corner”, select the lines to remove any overlap or gap, confirm the edit by selecting the green tick in the Ribbon. Hover over one of the “Dormer Walls”, press the “Tab” key to select the two adjoining walls, from the ribbon select “Attach Top/Base”, in the “Options” bar select “Base”, select the main roof, this will cut the “Dormer Walls” to the “Roof”, as shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7.
Once created, the “Dormer” and its components, “Walls, “Opening” and “Roof”, can be “Copied” and “Mirrored” as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8.
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