AutoCAD 2021: Express Tools to Boost Productivity

  • Updated

by John Flanagan



AutoCAD Express Tools is a collection of productivity tools that extend the power of AutoCAD.

Enable Express Tools

At the Command prompt, enter EXPRESSTOOLS.

You can install the Express Tools during the initial product installation, or you can add them later using Add or Remove Programs on the Control Panel.

Access Express Tools

Click the Express Tools tab on the Ribbon.

To display the Express menu, enter EXPRESSMENU at the Command prompt.

To display the Express toolbars, right-click next to any docked toolbar. Click EXPRESS and select an Express toolbar. Repeat these steps until all of the Express toolbars you want are displayed.

Tip: With the Express toolbars displayed, select a workspace and save it. The Express Tools toolbars will then always be included with that workspace.

Access Express Tools Help.

Hover over an Express Tool on the Ribbon, and press F1.

Access the Express Tools Help system from the Express menu (in the Classic Menu Bar).

Arc Aligned Text Express Tool

With ARCTEXT, you can create an arcalignedtext object that follows the curve of a selected arc.

  • Draw an arc and select the Arc Aligned Text Express tool.
  • Select the arc and fill in the dialogue that opens.


  • Click OK and the text should display as shown.

Hover over several of the express tools and use the F1 Function Key to see how the following express tools function:  Convert Text to MTEXT, Modify Text, Move/Copy/Rotate, Auto Number, Enclose in Object, Align Space, Synchronise Viewports and Merge Layout.

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