Cymap Undocumented - Deleting Multiple Rooms

  • Updated

by Gary Mann

Undocumented until now, that is. Rooms can be edited by dragging corners, moving and editing Face Elements until your heart is content, but sometimes it is more effective to delete them. All the actions below refer to the Building Program where the model is initially set up. Deleting rooms can be done in a number of different ways:

1. Right Click on the room and choose “Delete Room”.


This will be followed by a confirmation action:


2. In “Room Review”, select the room, press “Delete” and the room is gone.


This “One Room at a Time” method can quickly become very tedious, but can be circumvented by using the “Room Filter” Feature.

To Delete a selection of rooms, use Display>Room Review as above, but then select the “Room Filter” option.


You can then select rooms by Profile, Floor or Zone or “Cherry Pick” the right rooms, by un-ticking the ticked boxes, see below.


If you do find you have deleted the wrong Rooms, take a break and when you return, use the Edit>Undo feature to restore the rooms.

Thank you for your interest.

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