by Miles Nicholson
AutoCAD® Electrical has its ribbons in a dark shade as a default and the Uniform Background as a greyish colour tending to black. This blog focuses on changing these two elements only.
For those who prefer the lighter shade previously adopted prior to 2015, or prefer a lighter shade that can in some instances make the icons look clearer, you can change to a Light theme.
Type Options at the Command line.
To change the ribbon colour:
Select the Display tab:
Under the section Windows Elements > Color theme, select the ê arrow
To change the uniform background colour:
Select the Display tab:
Under the section Windows Elements, select the icon
Select 2D model space > Uniform Background > Color
Select as an example
The Uniform Background will now be white as well.
If you ever want to revert to the Dark theme, simply go back into Options.
If you wish to revert the uniform background colour, the colour is 33,40,48 or you can select Display tab > > 2D model space > Uniform Background >
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