AutoCAD Electrical 2020 – Inserting Connector Tables

  • Updated

By Miles Nicholson


Connector tables show the connections and the required detail of the connectors drawn within the schematics. They are often drawn at the back of a set of schematics to provide all of the connection information in one simple and easy to understand table for each connector. AutoCAD® Electrical has the ability to automate the production of this type of drawing.

Within the schematics, connectors can either be drawn using individual symbols using AutoCAD_Electrical_2020___Inserting_Connector_Tables_-_2.PNG> AutoCAD_Electrical_2020___Inserting_Connector_Tables_-_3.PNGor using the parametric Insert Connector AutoCAD_Electrical_2020___Inserting_Connector_Tables_-_4.PNGcommand.

If placing individual connections, the user has the choice of inserting symbols which have a wire number change or no wire number change. The 2nd+ symbol must be different from the primary for correct association.

If using the parametric Insert Connector command, the build of the connector is extremely flexible allowing the sizing, pins, spacing to be parametric based on the options chosen.



Once a design has been drawn, select Reports ribbon tab > Schematic panel > AutoCAD_Electrical_2020___Inserting_Connector_Tables_-_7.PNG

Select Connector Detail.


Select AutoCAD_Electrical_2020___Inserting_Connector_Tables_-_9.PNG

Select AutoCAD_Electrical_2020___Inserting_Connector_Tables_-_10.PNG

Select AutoCAD_Electrical_2020___Inserting_Connector_Tables_-_11.PNG

Select AutoCAD_Electrical_2020___Inserting_Connector_Tables_-_12.PNG

Select AutoCAD_Electrical_2020___Inserting_Connector_Tables_-_13.PNGto change the fields reported.

If you wish to have each connector as a unique table, select the highlighted:


Select AutoCAD_Electrical_2020___Inserting_Connector_Tables_-_15.PNG

If you define a X-Distance value, you are able to insert all of your connectors for the entire project in one click.


Select AutoCAD_Electrical_2020___Inserting_Connector_Tables_-_17.PNG

Left click in your drawing space to place the first connector table (all others will automatically be placed).


Reposition as necessary:


Each table will show the report fields chosen during the AutoCAD_Electrical_2020___Inserting_Connector_Tables_-_20.PNG option:


The tables are similar to OLE objects meaning that the annotated data will update if the schematic connections are altered.

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