By Justin Doughty
I was recently asked how to produce Spools or Spool drawings in Revit. Below are 3 suggestions you may wish to explore.
1. Revit Assemblies
Create an assembly for the spool and then create views from there. This will automatically create views from the assembly:
They can be dragged and dropped onto the sheet. Obviously they would need annotations and dimensions, but should get something close:
2. CADmep Spool
Use Fabrication parts and convert the Revit design parts to Fabrication parts:
Then export the Fabrication parts to CADmep using the extension:
Then in CADmep use the spool tool:
Define and Create Spools
3. PCF
As per suggestion 2, convert the Revit design parts to Fabrication parts, but then use the following macro to create a PCF File:
Finally in Plant 3D run PCF to ISO with the resulting drawing:
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