Cymap - Applying template conditions to spaces

  • Updated

By Ashley Rice

I have had a few support questions recently regarding applying template conditions to spaces within Cymap, so what better way to inform our customers how to do this than with a blog.

I will inform you of the process, but also the location of all the templates within Cymap 2019 and the associated database files.

Firstly, let’s look at the functionality and when it may be applicable.

In the below example we have several rooms or spaces that would require the same control conditions allocating to the space.


Instead of clicking into each individual space and allocating the template conditions for ventilation, occupancy, lights and equipment etc, we can simply go to the ‘Edit’ ‘Global Room Editor’ command and apply the template to a collection of rooms or spaces all at once as seen below:

Step 1

Choose the Edit, Global Room Editor command.


Step 2

Select the rooms by highlighting them with the mouse as seen below, usual hot-key functions work here such as Ctrl to click more than one, or Shift to highlight all in between etc.


Simply click apply to make the changes.

Now that we know the why and the how, let’s talk about the where…

Where are these template files located and how do I load them into the project file?

If you follow the below file path you will get to the template profiles:

C:\Users\Public\Documents\Cymap 2019\Files\Examples\Profiles

And if you want to know the location of the database files:

C:\Users\Public\Documents\Cymap 2019\DB

To apply the template profiles into the project file you simply go the Edit, Template profiles command as seen below:


Click import, followed by browse to the location previously stated in this blog.

If you have any questions or suggestions – I am more than happy to assist.

Thanks for reading

Ashley Rice 



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