By David Crowther
Do you make the most of the Browser Panel in QGIS? If not, then here are some useful tips to help streamline how you access datasets within QGIS.
Browser Panel – Favorites
Right Click on the Favorites icon and choose Add Directory. You can add as many directories as you like, allowing you to easily jump between folders to open QGIS projects and individual layers.
Favorites can be added, removed and renamed so you can easily differentiate between folder locations.
Browser Panel – Set the Project HOME
Right Click on the Project Home icon and choose Set Project Home. Now choose a suitable location where most of your QGIS content is e.g. where you save your QGIS Projects.
Or alternately choose a location where your GIS data is stored, such as your GeoPackage directory.
Browser Panel – Database Connections
If you have created any Database Connections (e.g. PostGIS), remember that these are accessible through the Browser Panel as well. Simply Select the Database Connection, login as required and then drag and drop a layer into the map.
You can also create New Connections to Databases by simply right clicking on the Database type that you would like to connect to.
Finally if you have lots of GIS resource locations you can use the Search Filter window to filter those resources by a name e.g. PostGIS.
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