How to start license server on Mac OS X automatically?
A way to start Autodesk License Server on Mac OS X platform is to use a .profile file
- Open Textedit and make sure it is set to Plain Text: Format > Make Plain Text.
- Copy the contents below and save the file on the Desktop and call it: txt
/usr/local/flexnetserver/lmgrd –c /var/flexlm/adsk_server.lic –l /var/flexlm/adsk_server.log
- Open a Terminal and type:
cd $HOME
- Type the following and the file should disappear:
mv profile.txt .profile
- Type the following and confirm that there is a .profile in the folder:
ls -la
- Go to System Preferences > Users & Groups.
- Select your user and finally Login Items.
- Click the + symbol on the bottom. In the dialog window, click on the search bar on top-right and type "Terminal". Double click on the correspondent result. Eventually, Terminal will be added in the Login Items list as shown below:
- Open a Terminal again and type the following:
sudo mkdir /usr/local/flexlm
[This will make a directory.]
sudo mkdir /usr/local/flexlm/licenses
[This will make a directory.]
cd /usr/local/flexlm/licenses
[This will go to the folder.]
sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/local/flexlm
[This will give full permissions to the folder and all files/folders in the directory.]
- Copy over all contents that's located in this folder: /usr/local/flexnetserver to /usr/local/flexlm
- Then run this command.
cp /var/flexlm/adsk_server.lic /usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat
[This will copy the original license file to license.dat location.]
Note: Please modify adsk_server.lic according to your license file name.
For example: ACAD.lic
- Reboot your computer and if this shows up in the Terminal, it's working. You can also open the Activity Monitor (View > All Processes) and confirm that the adskflex and lmgrd are running.
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