WibuKey Dongle Drivers



How to reinstall WibuKey after a complete uninstall?


  1. Remove all WibuBoxes
  2. Open the WibuKey Tool in the Control Panel and switch to "Installation"
  3. Click the "Plug & Play" button to reset the plug and play mechanism
  4. Open the Control Panel and uninstall the WibuKey driver.
  5. Open [%systemroot%\inf] (usually C:\Windows\inf).
  6. Search for all oem*.inf files with the name containing "WIBU". Delete all *.pnf files with the same name and then the *.inf files. For Windows 7 Users: if there is no other file besides wibukeyPCMCIA.inf, refine your search options.
  7. Check in C:\Windows\System32\drivers or C:\Windows\SysWOW64\drivers, if the Wibukey*.sys was removed; if not delete it.
  8. Delete the following registry entries, if they are still there.  Open registry via Windows button in task bar and type regedit.
    a) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services - search for "WIBUKEY" and/or "WibuKey2" and delete, if found.
    b) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WIBU-SYSTEMS - delete directory, if found.
    c) KEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WIBU-SYSTEMS - delete directory, if found.
  9. Restart your computer.

Now you can start reinstalling WibuKey:

  1. Run the WibuKey Driver setup with administrative privileges. Make sure that no WibuBox is attached yet!
  2. After the setup is completed, attach your WibuBox.
  3. Windows should automatically install all ardware drivers since Wibu-Systems drivers since Version 5.0 are Microsoft certified.

After Windows recognizes the WibuBox correctly you can start the WibuKey-Software. You are able to test this via the WibuKey Tool in the Control Panel using page "Tests".


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