AutoCAD Electrical 2018 – Master Projects with Sub-projects


By Miles Nicholson

121.pngYou might wish to divide a project that contains hundreds of pages into smaller groups of drawings so the amount of data that the project manager must manage is trimmed to only the pages you need to modify. Each sub-project will have its own dedicated scratch database which will only need to track changes to the number of drawings in the sub-project. Changes made to the sub-projects will automatically appear in the master project.

The master project concept will allow you to manage very large projects more efficiently and allows you to work at sub-project level, dealing with fewer drawings and speeding up the real-time processing. Changes made in the sub-project(s) are automatically visible in the master project since the data is stored at drawing level, the master project's database will detect the changes made to the drawings at sub-project level. It will also allow you to link separate projects together such as an extension panel to an original panel.


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