Revit 2025 - Creating Perspective Views

  • Updated

by  John Flanagan

perspective 1.png


To create a perspective view of a model, you place a camera in a view. By default, a camera view is a cropped perspective. You can use navigation controls, but the model elements are cut off at the crop edge of the view.

To remove the crop region from the view, on the Properties palette, clear the check mark for Crop View, or use the toggle on the View Control Bar. Without the crop region, you can more freely navigate the view.

In an uncropped perspective view, you can edit elements without needing to refer to other views. You can also add new elements to the model.

You cannot place an uncropped view on a sheet. The crop region must be turned on first, or it will be turned on as you place it on a sheet.

After placing the view on a sheet, you can modify the crop of the view and then hide the crop region's visibility. This strategy gives the appearance of an uncropped perspective view on the sheet.

Use uncropped perspective views to streamline the modelling process, so you do not need to refer to other views while modelling.

Worked Example

In a plan view, Perspectives (camera views) are created by clicking an observer point, then clicking where the observer is looking.

perspective 2.png

perspective 3.png

Visual Style settings for this perspective view: Hidden Line, Smooth Lines with Anti-Aliasing, Cast Shadows and Ambient Shadows both on, no background.

To adjust the observer, click the crop region and go to plan view. The camera will be visible, and you can adjust the position. If some part of the view is invisible, make sure to adjust Far Clip settings.

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