Inventor 2017 - iLogic: Suppress Component & Constraints

  • Updated

By Scott Cunliffe

Does it bother you that you can’t suppress a component’s constraints at the same you suppress the part or sub-assembly?  Here’s some iLogic code to help you do just that:

'This iLogic code originally appeared on Cadline Community
Dim oDoc As AssemblyDocument = ThisDoc.Document
Dim oAsmDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition = oDoc.ComponentDefinition
Dim oConstrs As AssemblyConstraints = oAsmDef.Constraints
'Cycle through each selected component
For Each oOcc In oDoc.SelectSet
    'Cycle through each constraint in the assembly
    For Each oConstr As AssemblyConstraint In oConstrs
        'Compare the component suppression state with the constraint
        If oConstr.Suppressed = oOcc.Suppressed Then
            'Suppress the constraint if the first half is the component            
                If oConstr.OccurrenceOne.Name = oOcc.Name Then
                    Constraint.IsActive(oConstr.Name) = _
                       Not Constraint.IsActive(oConstr.Name)
                End If
            End Try
            'Suppress the constraint if the second half is the component
                If oConstr.OccurrenceTwo.Name = oOcc.Name Then
                    Constraint.IsActive(oConstr.Name) = _
                       Not Constraint.IsActive(oConstr.Name)
                End If
            End Try
        End If
    'Finally suppress the component
    Component.IsActive(oOcc.Name) = Not Component.IsActive(oOcc.Name)

The code above will toggle suppression to the opposite of the current state.  Multi-selections of varying suppression will not normalise the suppression as per the right click context menu, where the icon would show a square.

It is worth noting that for every component selected, we have to cycle through every constraint in the assembly to check if it is being used in that constraint.  The constraint is effectively above the component in hierarchical terms.  The result is that the code may take longer to finish in larger assemblies.

The code above is devoid of any of the usual checks required to prevent failure.  You can find the full version below.


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