Code | Name | Comments |
0 | UnspecifiedSystemException | Used when the error code is invalid. |
100 | CreateKnowledgeVaultDatabase | Error creating the knowledge vault. |
102 | DatabaseExists | Database already exists. |
106 | TransactionInvalidPrincipal | An example would be making a call without being logged into a vault for methods |
108 | TransactionManagementError | Cannot create database connection and/or transaction |
109 | DatabaseError | Generic error for unexpected database issues. |
111 | BadResourceRelativePath | General error for failures to store or access a resource in the file store |
114 | CreateSystemMasterDatabase | could not create KnowledgeVaultMaster Database |
130 | UnknownVersion | Unable to determine the version of a KnowledgeVault or Master |
131 | InvalidAdminDbLogin | The database admin login is invalid |
132 | DirectoryNotEmpty | The directory is not empty |
133 | KnowledgeVaultDoesNotExist | The Knowledge Vault referenced doesn't exist |
134 | KnowledgeVaultsAttached | There are Knowledge Vaults still attached. |
137 | IllegalInputParam | One of the inputs to the service call is incorrect. |
138 | IllegalDatabaseName | Database name is not allowed. Most likely due to illegal characters. |
139 | IllegalPath | Specified folder is illegal. |
140 | DuplicatePath | Specified folder is already in use. |
143 | UserAlreadyExists | Duplicate User Name |
144 | DbFileAlreadyExists | Database error because an MDF or LDF file with that name already exists. |
146 | MigrationPathNotFound | Cannot determine the migration steps. |
147 | PathTooLong | The specified path is too long. |
148 | UnsupportedProduct | The vault has a product installed that is not installed on the server |
150 | KnowledgeVaultMasterDoesNotExist | The KnowledgeVaultMaster referenced doesn't exist |
152 | IllegalRestoreDBLocation | Cannot restore db files to a remote location |
153 | InvalidBackupDirectory | Selected directory does not contain a valid backup structure. |
154 | InvalidUserId | The user ID is not valid |
155 | IllegalNullParam | A null value was passed in where a null value is not allowed. |
157 | AdministratorCannotBeRemoved | |
158 | CircularReference | |
160 | BadId | |
164 | MigrationXmlError | migrations.xml identifies the .sql scripts and C# code that need to be executed for |
165 | KnowledgeLibraryDoesNotExist | Occurs during restore - also see KnowledgeVaultDoesNotExist:133) |
167 | AttachWrongDatabaseType | |
171 | DuplicateLibraryGuid | There is already a KnowledgeLibrary with the same GUID |
173 | ReadOnlyFile | Trying to perform a write operation on a read-only file |
174 | InvalidDatabaseCollation | Trying to create a KVM with an invalid database collation (eg case sensitive) |
175 | InsufficientFilePermissions | The user {1} does not have permission to the path {0} |
176 | GroupDoesNotExist | |
179 | IOError | IOException has been thrown. IOException.Message={0} |
180 | FileDoesNotExist | |
185 | IncrementTurnedOff | |
186 | IncRestoreInEligibleForAdminDataDirty | |
187 | IncRestoreInEligibleForUserDataDirty | |
188 | IncRestoreInEligibleForBadStateId | |
189 | IncBackupInEligibleForAdminDataDirty | |
190 | IncBackupInEligibleForUserDataNotdirty | |
191 | IncBackupInEligibleForFullBackupUndone | |
192 | MissingBackupPackages | |
193 | ContentfileWrongFormatted | |
194 | IncRestoreInEligibleForWrongIncrement | |
196 | LibraryPartitionDoesNotExist | |
197 | LibraryPartitionUpdateDoesNotExist | |
198 | DatabaseServerNotCompatible | |
199 | SystemTypeNotEditable | |
200 | NonmemberSite | |
201 | DatabaseLocked | {0} is the name of the locking operation. {1} [currently unused] is the name of th |
204 | InvalidSiteName | |
205 | CouldNotReplicate | |
207 | NoFilestore | |
208 | InvalidVaultSite | |
211 | VaultDisabled | |
212 | FileStoreMismatch | There is a sentinal file with a vaultguid in the root of the filestore. This value need |
213 | OrphanedMetaData | |
214 | RoleDoesNotExist | |
215 | InvalidSystemDbLogin | The system user [vaultsys] either doesn't exist or doesn't match the web.config pa |
216 | GroupAlreadyExists | Duplicate Group Name |
217 | DuplicateVaultGuid | |
222 | ChecksumValidationFailure | |
223 | RestoringUnsupportedProducts | Restore failed due to product difference between the server and the backup. |
224 | InvalidServiceExtensionConfig | At least one type or method referenced in the ServiceExtenstions.xml file could no |
226 | LuceneSearchError | Wrap any errors thrown by Lucene when searching. |
227 | LuceneIndexingError | Wrap any errors thrown by Lucene when indexing. |
228 | InvalidServiceExtensionMethod | Wrap any errors thrown when invoking a service extension method. |
230 | PropertyParsingFailed | Search failed to parse a property value. |
231 | DatabaseDeadlock | Generic error for unexpected database issues. |
232 | ConfigurationError | Error occurred calling a config section handler |
233 | DatabaseLogFull | |
234 | ArraysOfDifferentSizes | Input arrays were of different lengths. |
236 | UnsupportedParameterType | |
237 | DuplicateQueuedEvent | |
238 | InvalidEventClass | |
239 | UnreserveEventFailed | |
240 | JobQueueDisabled | |
241 | UnsupportedOperation | |
242 | DuplicatePropertiesCannotBeToSamePropertyDef | |
243 | PropertiesCannotHaveTheSamePriority | |
244 | FailedToLoadPropertyProviderForProp | |
245 | InvalidPropertyForPropertyProvider | |
246 | IncompatiblePropertyDataTypes | |
247 | CannotCreateNewForProperty | |
248 | PropertyDoesNotSupportMappingDir | |
249 | InvalidEntityClassId | |
250 | CannotFindPropertyDefBySystemName | |
251 | CannotCreatePropertyDef | |
252 | CannotCreatePropertyDef_DisplayNameExists | |
253 | PropertyDefIdDoesNotExist | |
255 | PropertyDefIsNotMappedToEntityClass | |
256 | SystemPropertyDefsCannotChangeThierEnitityClassMappings | |
257 | CannotDeleteMappingsWhichAreInUseByEnts | |
258 | PropertyDefDisplayNameExist | |
259 | ContentSourcePropertyDefIdDoesNotExist | |
260 | SystemPropertyDefsCannotBeDeleted | |
261 | PropertyDefsCannotBeDeletedWithEntityRefs | |
262 | CtntSrcPropProviderNotFound | |
263 | BadNumberingSchemeId | |
264 | NumberingSchemeIsDefault | |
265 | DuplicateNumberSchemeName | |
266 | NumberingSchemeInUse | |
267 | LastNumberingSchemeCannotBeRemoved | |
268 | GetNumberingSchemesBySchemeStatusFailed | |
269 | ActivateNumberingSchemeFailed | |
270 | DeactivateNumberingSchemeFailed | |
271 | SetDefaultNumberingSchemeFailed | |
272 | AddNumberingSchemeFailed | |
273 | UpdateNumberingSchemeFailed | |
274 | DeleteNumberingSchemeFailed | |
275 | DeleteNumberingSchemeUnconditionalFailed | |
276 | MethodNotSupportedWithBaseVaultServer | |
277 | PropertyDefRequiresEntityClassMapping | |
278 | PropertyDefDefaultValuesNotSupported | |
279 | InvalidEntityClassName | |
280 | OnlyReadMappingsSupported | |
281 | CreateNewPropertyMappingsNotSupported | |
283 | BadEntityId | |
284 | EntityClassDoesNotSupportMapping | |
285 | EntityClassDoesNotSupportMappingToCSType | |
286 | MigrationInProgress | |
287 | EntityClassDoesNotSupportLinks | |
288 | AddLinkFailed | |
289 | CreateNewAndDefaultMappingTypeNotSupported | |
290 | UserDefinedPropertyListValuesNotSupported | |
291 | UserDefinedPropertyConstraintsNotSupported | |
292 | UserDefinedPropertyWithoutCSMappingsNotSupported | |
293 | UserDefinedPropertyInitialValuesNotSupported | |
294 | LegacyOperationBlocked | This error means that an older client is communicating with a new server and the |
296 | DatabaseCopyFileFailed | |
297 | DatabaseOffline | |
299 | CannotUnzip | |
300 | BadAuthenticationToken | This can happen when the web services are restarted. |
301 | InvalidUserPassword | Username and/or Password is invalid, so user cannot be authenticated. |
302 | UserNotVaultMember | User is not a member of the vault |
303 | PermissionDenied | Invalid permissions for transaction |
304 | UserIsDisabled | User is disabled |
306 | IncompatibleKnowledgeVault | The compatibility of the Vault doesn't match the server version |
307 | IncompatibleKnowledgeMaster | The compatibility of the Knowledge Master doesn't match the server version |
308 | RestrictionsOccurred | |
309 | FeatureNotAvailable | |
310 | IncompatibleKnowledgeLibrary | |
311 | InvalidAuthType | Attempted to login through WinAuth login user, but user is of Auth Type Vault. |
312 | WinAuthUserNotFound | could be auto create is disabled or could not find a valid AD group |
313 | WinAuthAnonymousIdentity | Identity was unauthenticated or anonymous |
318 | WinAuthFailed | Unknown WinAuth error occurred. |
319 | LicensingError | |
320 | PermissionTamperingDetected | |
321 | WorkgroupDoesNotHaveAdminOwnership | |
322 | WorkgroupDoesNotHaveObjectOwnership | |
323 | WorkgroupIsSubscriber | |
370 | OwnedButNotSynced | |
400 | DuplicateRoutingName | The routing name already exists. |
401 | IncompleteRouting | Must be at least one user assigned to each role. |
402 | DeactivateRoutingFailed | Can't deactivate the last active routing, or the default routing. |
403 | DeleteRoutingFailed | Can't delete a routing in use, the last active routing, or the default routing. |
404 | SetDefaultRoutingFailed | Cannot set a deactive routing to the default. |
405 | ActionDenied | The user does not have the appropriate routing role to perform the activity. |
406 | ActionAlreadyPerformed | The user has already performed the activity since the change order last entered th |
407 | BadRoutingName | Routing name contains illegal characters |
408 | BadRoutingNameLength | |
501 | FailureToLoadEmailHandler | |
502 | ErrorSendingEmail | |
503 | ErrorInitializeEmailhandler | |
504 | EmailIsConfiguredAsDisabled | |
505 | InvalidAttachmentStream | |
506 | InvalidAttachmentName | |
600 | JobConfigurationError | |
601 | FailureToLoadJobHandler | |
602 | DuplicateJobHandlerIdFound | |
603 | JobIdNotFound | |
700 | AddCustomEntityDefFailed | |
701 | AddCustomEntityFailed | |
702 | DeleteCustomEntityRestrictionsOccurred | |
703 | DeleteCustomEntityDefFailed | |
704 | UpdateCustomEntityFailed | |
705 | UpdateCustomEntityDefFailed | |
706 | DuplicateCustomEntityDefName | |
707 | CustomEntityDefDisplayNameExceedsMaxLength | |
708 | InvalidCustomEntityDefDisplayName | |
709 | CustomEntityNameExceedsMaxLength | |
1000 | BadFolderId | Cannot get files by folder id |
Cannot get root folder | ||
Cannot get folder by path | ||
Cannot get folder by folder id | ||
Cannot get children for folder id | ||
1001 | GetLatestVersionFailed | Cannot get latest file version based on folder id and file id Cannot get latest file version based on owner id. |
1002 | GetVersionsFailed | Cannot get file version based on version id |
Cannot get file version based on file id and version number | ||
1003 | BadFileId | This error code should still exist, but none of these items appear to belong here: |
Error getting all file versions by owner id (I think this should be throw BadVersionI | ||
Error downloading file version based on version id and file name (I think this shou | ||
Error in GetAllPropertyDefinitions (I think this should throw BadPropertyDefinition | ||
Error in GetAllPropertyDefinitionsExtended (I think this should throw BadPropertyD | ||
1004 | CheckoutFailed | Checkout latest file version failed. |
1005 | CheckinFailed | Error checking in file version into database. |
1006 | UndoCheckoutFailed | Error undoing check out of file version. |
1007 | BadVersionId | Bad version id when getting file version dependents or dependencies by version i |
1008 | AddFileExists | Cannot add file because file exists. |
1009 | AddFileFailed | Cannot add file (unspecified failure) |
1011 | AddFolderExists | Cannot add folder because folder exists. |
1012 | AddFailedCreateFolder | Cannot add folder (unable to create/make new folder). |
1013 | GetFileFailed | Cannot get file (file id is invalid). |
1014 | MakeVersionFailed | Cannot create/make version in database. |
1015 | DeleteFileWithDependencies | Only have file id, not name |
1016 | UndoCheckoutWrongUser | Cannot undo checkout because user is not the same as user who checked out file |
1017 | UndoCheckoutWrongFolder | Cannot undo checkout because passed in folder id is not the same folder that the |
1018 | CheckinNotCheckedOut | Cannot check in file because the file is not currently checked out |
1019 | CheckinWrongUser | Cannot check in file because the file is not currently checked out by the same user |
1020 | CheckinWrongFolder | Cannot check in file because passed in folder id is not the same folder that the fil |
1021 | CheckoutAlreadyCheckedOut | Cannot check out the file because it is already checked out. |
1022 | SelfDependency | Only have file version id, not name |
1023 | MakeFolderFailed | Cannot create folder in database. |
1024 | GetFolderFailed | Occurs in these cases: |
Cannot get folder based on path. | ||
Cannot get folder based on folder id. | ||
1025 | GetRootFailed | Cannot get root folder from the database. |
1026 | LibraryProjectExistsForFileId | File belongs to a library folder. |
1027 | LibraryProjectExistsForId | Folder is a library folder. |
1028 | MoveFileFailed | Cannot move file. |
1029 | MoveFileExists | Only have file id, not name |
1030 | ShareFileExists | Only have file id, not name |
1031 | DuplicatePropertyDefName | |
1034 | RenameFailed | Cannot rename the file because there was some other unexpected error. |
1035 | MakeDefinitionFailed | Could not create property definition in database. |
1036 | GetAllPropertyDefinitionsFailed | |
1037 | GetAllPropertyDefinitinsExtendedFailed | |
1038 | **GetFileVersionsByPropertySearchConditionsFailed | |
1041 | GetPropertiesFailed | |
1042 | AddFolderChildRootInvalid | Create folder rule-check failed: parent must exist, for all but root |
1043 | AddFolderLibraryRelationshipInvalid | Create folder rule-check failed: libs can only have non lib parent if that parent is r |
1044 | ConcurrentShareFailed | Request to share a file to a folder fails because of a concurrent request to share th |
1045 | ConcurrentMoveFailed | Request to move a file to a folder fails because of a concurrent request to move th |
1046 | FolderCharacterLengthInvalid | Request to create a folder fails because the folder name is longer than 255 chara |
1047 | DependentExistsAttachmentFailed | Unused |
1048 | RenameFailedDependentParentItemsLinked | Unused |
1049 | RenameFailedDependentParentItemsAttached | Unused |
1050 | DeleteFileFailedRestrictions | Request to conditionally delete a file fails because there are delete restrictions (file |
1051 | DeleteFileFailedUnconditionalRestrictions | Request to unconditionally delete a file fails because the are delete restrictions tha |
1052 | DeleteFileFailed | Request to delete a file failed for an unspecified reason. |
1053 | DeleteFolderFailedRestrictions | Request to conditionally delete a folder fails because there are delete restrictions o |
1054 | DeleteFolderFailedUnconditionalRestrictions | Request to unconditionally delete a folder fails because the are delete restrictions |
1055 | DeleteFolderFailed | Request to delete a folder fails due to an unspecified reason |
1056 | PurgeBadParam | The keep count must be >= 1, and the minimum age must be >= 0 |
1057 | PurgeFailed | Occurs when something goes wrong while purging file iterations from the database |
1058 | UniqueFileNameRequiredViolated | If the Unique File Name Required Vault option is ON, a request to Add or Checkin |
1059 | UpdateFolderFailed | Occurs when an attempt to update a Folder fails for an unspecified reason. |
1060 | UpdateFolderExists | Occurs when an attempt to update a Folder Name fails because another Folder wit |
1061 | BadLabelId | Label ID is invalid |
1062 | BadLabelName | Label Name contains invalid characters |
1063 | DuplicateLabel | Label Name already exists in vault |
1064 | MakeLabelFailed | Cannot create label in database. |
1065 | GetAllFilesFailed | |
1066 | BadPropertyGroupId | |
1067 | PropertyGroupExists | |
1069 | PropertyGroupEmpty | |
1072 | DeletePropertyGroupFailed | |
1073 | MoveFolderFailed | Now used as: documentRestriction_11; documentRestriction_12; documentRestric |
1074 | MoveFolderExists | Folder with the same name already exists in the destination folder |
1075 | MoveFolderDescendentCheckedOut | Folder begin moved has descendent files that are checked out. |
1076 | MoveFolderChildRootInvalid | Move folder rule-check failed: parent must exist, for all but root |
1077 | MoveFolderLibraryRelationshipInvalid | Move folder rule-check failed: libs can only have non lib parent if that parent is ro |
1078 | FolderNameInvalid | A null path or path will illegal characters has been passed in. |
1079 | FolderFullNameTooLong | |
1080 | IllegalNullParam | A null value has been passed in where null values are not allowed. |
1081 | BadDate | The date is out of range for the DB. The date should be between 1-1-1753 and |
1082 | ArraysOfDifferentSizes | The input arrays were not of the same size |
1083 | LabelNameLengthInvalid | |
1084 | UndoCheckoutNotCheckedOut | Cannot undo check out of the file because the file is not currently checked out. |
1085 | BadSearchOperator | The search operator is not valid. |
1086 | EmptyFolder | The folder being operated on is empty. |
1087 | IllegalEmptyString | A empty string has been passed in where its is not allowed. |
1088 | UnknownBOMVersion | BOM information is stored with each file iteration as an xml string. The xml forma encounters a string without a recognized namespace, it will return this code. |
1089 | InvalidBOMXml | During AddFile and CheckinFile calls, the client can supply BOM information for the returned. |
1090 | BadPropertyDefId | Property Def Id is invalid. |
1091 | CheckoutFolderInvalid | The file being checked out does not live in the specified folder, therefore it cannot |
1092 | RestrictionsOccurred | Restrictions have occurred. More information available in SoapException detail. |
1093 | GetRestrictionsFailed | Failed trying to determine restrictions. |
1094 | PropertyGroupPropertyDefMinCount | Property groups must include a minimum of 2 property definitions. |
1098 | MoveFileLocked | The file cannot be moved because it is locked |
1100 | UploadFileDoesNotExist | |
1101 | DownloadFileSizeExceedsServerLimit | |
1102 | UpdatePropertyDefinitionFailed | |
1103 | CheckinFailedAssociatedFileCheckedout | |
1104 | SetFileStatusFailed | |
1106 | FullContentSearchContentIndexingDisabled | The client has submitted a search against file content but the Vault Content Index |
1107 | DimeAttachmentExpected | This error will be raised if AddFile or UploadFilePart is called without including a DI |
1108 | BadFileName | This error will be raised by AddFile and AddUploadedFile is the filename supplied fo |
1109 | ComponentCustomPropertyDefExists | |
1110 | ParamNameInvalid | |
1111 | DuplicateFileNamingSchemeExists | |
1112 | AddFileNamingSchemeFailed | |
1113 | UpdateFileNamingSchemeFailed | |
1114 | FileExistsRemotely | |
1115 | FileDoesNotExists | |
1116 | SaveFilterConfigFailed | Raised when the Filter Config information cannot be saved to disk. |
1117 | BadFileNamingScheme | |
1118 | RollbackFileNamingDescriptionsFailed | |
1119 | ReserveFileNamingDescriptionsFailed | |
1120 | FolderFileNameCollision | AddFile, CheckinFile, MoveFile, ShareFile, AddFolder |
1121 | CreateUserDefinedPropertyDefinitionsFailed | |
1122 | BadPropertyReindexError | |
1123 | IdentifyFilesForPropertyReindexFailed | |
1124 | AddDesignVisualizationAttachmentBadFileClassification | |
1125 | AddDesignVisualizationAttachmentBadAttachmentOrder | |
1126 | AddDesignVisualizationAttachmentExists | |
1127 | SetDesignVisualizationStatusFileCheckedOut | |
1128 | SetDesignVisualizationStatusInvalidStatus | |
1129 | GenerateFileNumberFailed | |
1130 | GenerateFileNumberFailedAutoFieldNumberUsedUp | |
1131 | FileRenameReleasedParent | |
1132 | WarningThresholdGreaterThanMaximumThreshold | |
1133 | ThresholdOutOfRange | |
1134 | ExceedBulkFileMaximumThreshold | |
1135 | FailureToSaveFileForProviderUse | |
1136 | UpdateFilePropertiesNotCheckedOut | |
1137 | CannotCheckoutNontipFileVersion | |
1138 | FileUploadRequired | This checkin operation requires an uploaded file. |
1139 | FileUploadInuse | This upload ticket has already been used. |
1140 | FileUploadWrongExtension | The uploaded file extension doesn't match the file name |
1200 | SerializeNullObject | |
1300 | BadId | Occurs when item revision ID is bad, user ID is bad |
1301 | BadUserId | The user ID couldn't be used to create an item revision |
1302 | BadItemRevision | The item revision couldn't be used to create the new item revision |
1303 | BadMasterItemId | The master item ID didn't return the tip item revision |
1304 | BadRevisionNumber | Item revision is less than or equal to current revision |
1305 | BadRevisionNumberFormat | Item revision isn't in current revision scheme |
1306 | UpdateItemsFailed | The item or unpinned item iteration associations could not be updated |
1307 | UpdateItemFailed | The item, its attachments, or unpinned item iteration associations could not be u |
1308 | DeleteItemsFailed | Item could not be deleted |
1309 | GetTipItemRevisionsFailed | Tip item revisions could not be retrieved |
1310 | GetItemRevisionHistoryFailed | Item revision history could not be retrieved |
1311 | GetTipItemRevisionFailed | Item revision could not be retrieved. Please refresh and try again |
1312 | GetRolledUpBOMFailed | Rolled up BOM could not be retrieved |
1313 | GetAllBOMLinksAndRevisionsFailed | BOM links and revisions could not be retrieved |
1314 | BOMCompareFailed | The selected BOMs could not be compared |
1315 | GetNextRevisionOptionsFailed | Next revision options could not be retrieved |
1316 | PromoteFileIterationsFailed | File iterations could not be promoted |
1317 | UpdateItemsFromFilesFailed | Could not update items from files |
1318 | GetPromoteUpdateRestrictionsFailed | Could not get restrictions for promote and udpate |
1319 | GetItemUpdateRestrictionsFailed | |
1320 | CreateItemRevisionFailed | Could not create an item revision |
1321 | EditItemRevisionFailed | Could not get item revision to edit |
1322 | DeleteItemIterationsFailed | Could not delete item iterations |
1323 | GetLifeCycleDefsFailed | Could not get lifecycle definitions |
1324 | GetItemIterationAttachmentsFailed | Could not get item iteration attachments |
1325 | GetItemFileLinksFailed | Could not get file links for item |
1326 | GetLifeCycleStateChangeRestrictionsFailed | Could not get restrictions for lifecycle state changes |
1327 | BulkChangeLifeCycleFailed | Could not perform bulk lifecycle change |
1328 | GetItemRevisionsForFileFailed | |
1329 | GetUserDefinedPropertyDefinitionsFailed | |
1330 | CreateUserDefinedPropertyDefinitionsFailed | |
1333 | DeleteUnitOfMeasureFailed | |
1334 | CreateUnitOfMeasureFailed | |
1335 | EditUnitOfMeasureFailed | |
1336 | GetUnitOfMeasureFailed | |
1337 | GetAllUnitsOfMeasureFailed | |
1338 | GetBaseUnitsOfMeasureFailed | |
1339 | GetUnitOfMeasureFamilyFailed | |
1341 | CreateItemNumberFailed | |
1344 | DeleteUnusedItemNumbersFailed | |
1349 | GetEditItemRevisionRestrictionsFailed | |
1350 | GetLatestItemRevisionByItemNumberFailed | |
1351 | GetChangeItemNumberRestrictionsFailed | |
1352 | GetChangeItemRevisionNumberRestrictionsFailed | |
1358 | BadUnitOfMeasure | |
1361 | ZeroDefaultRevisionSchemeAssignedToCategory | |
1362 | PromoteFileIterationsConcurrencyFailed | Could not promote files due to concurrency issues. |
1364 | InvalidLock | An Invalid Lock has occurred. You were not able to obtain a lock for this operation |
1365 | GetDeleteItemRestrictionsFailed | |
1366 | GetAllBOMStructureTypesFailed | |
1367 | DuplicateName | |
1368 | DuplicateId | |
1369 | EntityInUse | |
1370 | InvalidArrayLength | |
1371 | GetItemTypeByIdFailed | |
1372 | GetAllItemTypesFailed | |
1373 | AddItemTypeFailed | |
1374 | UpdateItemTypeFailed | |
1375 | DeleteItemTypeFailed | |
1376 | AddRevisionSequenceSchemeFailed | |
1377 | AddRevisionFormatFailed | |
1378 | GetAllRevisionFormatsFailed | |
1379 | GetAllRevisionSequenceSchemesFailed | |
1381 | UpdateItemIterationBOMLinksFailed | Update BOM failed. |
1384 | NotEditable | |
1385 | SetItemLifeCycleStateFailed | |
1386 | GetItemIterationsByIterationIdsFailed | |
1387 | RestrictionsOccurred | |
1388 | GetRestrictionsFailed | |
1389 | IncompatibleDataType | |
1390 | EntityDeleted | |
1391 | CircularReference | |
1392 | DuplicatePriority | |
1393 | DuplicateMapping | |
1394 | GetMappablePropertyDefsFailed | |
1396 | UpdateItemEffectivityFailed | |
1398 | GetRestorableItemRevisionsFailed | |
1399 | RestoreItemFailed | |
1400 | GetItemPropertiesFailed | |
1401 | GetAllItemPropertyDefinitionsFailed | |
1402 | DuplicateLabel | |
1403 | IntrinsicPropertyNameCollision | |
1404 | GetItemRevisionByItemIterationIDFailed | |
1405 | BadItemIterationId | Item version identified incorrectly. |
1406 | ItemNumberInUse | |
1407 | RevisionSequenceSchemeLengthGreaterThan16 | |
1408 | GetRollbackItemLifeCycleStatesInfoFailed | Could not retreive rollback information. |
1409 | RollbackItemLifeCycleStatesFailed | |
1410 | RollbackItemLifeCycleStatesCancelFailed | |
1411 | GetItemRefDesPropertiesFailed | |
1412 | GetAllItemRefDesPropertyDefinitionsFailed | |
1413 | DuplicateBomSchemeName | |
1414 | GetItemDuplicateCandidatesFailed | |
1415 | ReassignComponentsToDifferentItemsFailed | |
1416 | GetReleasedRevisionsFailed | |
1417 | GetBOMFailedNothingEffective | |
1418 | GetDWFWatermarksByItemIdFailed | |
1419 | CreateDWFWatermarkDefinitionFailed | |
1420 | GetAllDWFWatermarkDefinitionsFailed | |
1421 | GetDWFWatermarkByFileIterationId | |
1422 | GetEnableDWFWatermarkingFailed | |
1423 | SetEnableDWFWatermarkingFailed | |
1424 | UpdateDWFWatermarkDefinitionsFailed | |
1425 | BadFileIterationId | File version identified incorrectly. |
1426 | WatermarkRetrievalFailed | |
1427 | DuplicateConstraintDefForProperty | Could not create a property constraint for the property because one of the some t |
1428 | InvalidStringLength | |
1429 | IllegalUseOfNull | |
1430 | PropertyDefinitionDoesNotExist | |
1431 | ItemTypeDoesNotExist | |
1432 | InvalidConstraintExpression | |
1433 | GetItemPackAndGoInfoFailed | |
1434 | InvalidPropertyConstraintEntityTypeId | |
1435 | GetRestrictLifeCycleStateChangeToChangeOrderFailed | |
1436 | SetRestrictLifeCycleStateChangeToChangeOrderFailed | |
1437 | BadUnitOfMeasureId | |
1442 | GetEnablementConfigurationFailed | |
1443 | SetEnablementConfigurationFailed | |
1445 | GetItemRevisionByItemNumberAndRevisionNumberFailed | |
1446 | GetRestrictAssignDesignFilesFailed | |
1447 | SetRestrictAssignDesignFilesFailed | |
1448 | GetItemBOMLinksFailed | |
1455 | ItemProvisionalComponentDataInvalid | |
1500 | System_Error | |
1501 | MSMQSendError | |
1502 | Export_Get_Configuration_File_Error | |
1503 | GetERPPackageError | |
1504 | GetDWFPackageError | |
1505 | ExportERPPackageError | |
1506 | ExportDWFError | |
1507 | CreateDWFPackageError | |
1508 | ItemServiceError | |
1509 | CopyFileError | |
1510 | GetRevisionFromIterationIDError | |
1511 | GetChildRevisionsError | |
1512 | DeleteObsoletFilesError | |
1513 | NoValidItemSelected | |
1514 | Export_Save_Configuration_File_Error | |
1515 | CheckStateError | |
1520 | GetImportSystemFailed | |
1521 | GetExportSystemFailed | |
1522 | ImportFileNotFound | |
1523 | ImportFileNotIntegrated | |
1524 | InvalidImportFileFormat | |
1525 | NoItemExists | |
1526 | InvalidItemExists | |
1527 | InvalidBOMStructure | |
1528 | ReadCSVFileFailed | |
1529 | ReadTDLFileFailed | |
1530 | ReadXmlFileFailed | |
1531 | ReadDwfFileFailed | |
1532 | WriteCSVFileFailed | |
1533 | WriteTDLFileFailed | |
1534 | WriteXmlFileFailed | |
1535 | WriteDwfFileFailed | |
1536 | AttachmentNotFound | |
1537 | AddERPFileToStoreFailed | |
1538 | GetERPFileFromStoreFailed | |
1539 | InvalidMappingInfo | |
1540 | CreateTempItemsAndBOMFailed | |
1541 | UpdateTempItemsAndBOMFailed | |
1542 | CommitItemsAndBOMFailed | |
1543 | GetItemPropertiesFailed | |
1544 | GetExportItemInfoFailed | |
1545 | GetERPPackageFailed | |
1546 | ExportToERPFailed | |
1547 | GetImportJobsFailed | |
1548 | GetFileFromJobFailed | |
1549 | InvalidFileType | |
1550 | DirectoryNotExist | |
1551 | BomStructureEmpty | |
1552 | ItemStructureEmpty | |
1553 | DataMapEmpty | |
1554 | SendResultsEmailFailed | |
1555 | SendResultsEmailAttachmentsError | |
1600 | StateHasChanged | The state has changed since the last refresh so the action is not valid. |
1601 | ActionDenied | OBSOLETE |
1602 | UpdateDenied | |
1603 | BadApproveDeadline | The approval deadline is in the past |
1604 | BadChangeOrderId | No such change order exists with the specified ID |
1605 | BadNumberingSchemeId | No such numbering scheme exists for change orders with the specified ID |
1606 | BadRoutingId | No routing exists for the change order process with the specified ID |
1607 | ChangeOrderNumberExists | Cannot add a change order since the change order number already exists. |
1608 | GetChangeOrderFailed | Could not find the specified change order |
1609 | AddChangeOrderFailed | Unable to add change order |
1610 | MissingMasterItemId | |
1611 | ChangeOrderLocked | The change order is locked by another user |
1612 | ItemOnAnotherChangeOrder | The item is being managed by another change order |
1613 | AddChangeOrderTypeFailed | A change order type defines a set of properties that should be attached to a chang |
1614 | DuplicateNumberSchemeName | |
1615 | NumberingSchemeInUse | |
1616 | GetAllChangeOrderTypesFailed | Could not get change order types |
1617 | UpdateChangeOrderTypeFailed | |
1618 | GetChangeOrderNumberFailed | Could not get a number for a change order |
1619 | GetNumberingSchemesFailed | Could not get change order numbering schemes |
1620 | SetDefaultNumberingSchemeFailed | |
1621 | ActivateNumberingSchemeFailed | |
1622 | DeactivateNumberingSchemeFailed | |
1623 | AddNumberingSchemeFailed | |
1624 | UpdateNumberingSchemeFailed | |
1625 | DeleteNumberingSchemeFailed | |
1626 | DeleteUserDefinedPropertyDefinitionsFailed | |
1627 | GetUserDefinedPropertyDefinitionIdsByChangeOrderTypeIdFailed | |
1628 | CannotEditItem | Cannot make item on change order editable |
1629 | SetChangeOrderItemEditableFailed | |
1630 | OwnerMustBeChangeRequestor | The change order creator cannot have change requestor role revoked. |
1631 | NonChangeRequestorDenied | You must have the Change Requestor role on this change order's routing to perfor |
1632 | NumberingSchemeIsDefault | |
1633 | RestrictionsOccurred | Restrictions have occurred. More information available in SoapException detail. |
1634 | ItemObsolete | You cannot add obsolete items to a change order |
1635 | GetChangeOrderNumberSchemeStartFailed | used as IDS_NUMBERINGSCHEME_GET_STARTNUMBER_FAILED in Change Order |
1636 | GetChangeOrderNumberSchemeStartFailedProviderDoesNotSupport | used as IDS_NUMBERINGSCHEME_GET_STARTNUMBER_PROVIDER_ERROR in Cha |
1637 | SetChangeOrderNumberSchemeStartFailed | used as IDS_NUMBERINGSCHEME_SET_STARTNUMBER_FAILED in Change Order w |
1638 | SetChangeOrderNumberSchemeStartFailedProviderDoesNotSupport | used as IDS_NUMBERINGSCHEME_SET_STARTNUMBER_PROVIDER_ERROR in Cha |
1639 | SetChangeOrderNumberSchemeStartFailedStartNumberMustBeGreaterThanCurrent | used as IDS_NUMBERINGSCHEME_SET_STARTNUMBER_LESS_ERROR in Change O |
1640 | GetChangeOrderNumberFailedAutoFieldNumberUsedUp | used as IDS_CHANGEORDER_CREATE_FAILED in Change Order world. |
1641 | GetRollbackItemLifeCycleStatesInfoFailed | Could not retreive rollback information. |
1642 | RollbackItemLifeCycleStatesFailed | |
1643 | RollbackItemLifeCycleStatesCancelFailed | |
1644 | ChangeOrderNotActive | |
1645 | ItemNotOnChangeOrder | |
1646 | GetUserDefinedPropertyDefinitionIdsByChangeOrderTypeIdFailed | Could not get item related user defined property definitions for change order type. |
1647 | DeleteChangeOrderFailed | |
1648 | NonResponsibleEngineerDenied | |
1649 | GetAllPropertyDefinitionsFailed | |
1652 | AddCustomPropertyDefFailed | |
1656 | InappropriateRouting | |
1657 | IllegalNullParam | |
1664 | GetRequireReviewLifeCycleStateBeforeChangeOrderReviewFailed | |
1665 | SetRequireReviewLifeCycleStateBeforeChangeOrderReviewFailed | |
1679 | ItemlessChangeOrder | |
1688 | CheckoutFileToChangeOrder | |
1689 | FileOnAnotherChangeOrder | |
1690 | ChangeOrderWithCheckoutFileCannotCloseOrCancel | |
1691 | DeleteItemUserDefinedPropertyDefinitionsFailed | |
1809 | ReportWriteFailure | |
1810 | GenerateReportFailed | |
1811 | GetTemplatePropertiesFailed | |
1812 | InvalidParentChildInstanceProperty | |
1813 | MissingPageReference | |
1814 | MissingPageDetailsReference | |
1815 | MissingDetailReference | |
1816 | MissingCoverPageReference | |
1817 | InequableAmountOfColumns | |
1818 | InvalidPageSize | |
1819 | MissingGroupHeader | |
1820 | MissingGroupFooter | |
1821 | InvalidData | |
1822 | MissingPropertiesReference | |
1823 | InvalidAmountOfColumnsInPropsSection | |
1824 | PropertyLabelMustBeUnique | |
1825 | InvalidPropertyDataType | |
1826 | InvalidPropertySource | |
1827 | InvalidReportProperty | |
1828 | InvalidSystemProperty | |
1829 | InvalidGroupDetail | |
1830 | CellOutOfRangeError | |
1831 | SectionHasTooManyRows | |
1832 | InvalidInstanceProperty | |
1833 | InvalidCalculatedProperty | |
1834 | InvalidPropertyQualifier | |
1835 | CircularReference | |
1836 | PropertyLabelEmptyError | |
2000 | PublishPackageFailed | |
2001 | PublishDataAlreadyExists | An attempt to publish new data failed because it would overwrite existing data |
2002 | PublishOutOfSyncObject | An attempt to re-publish data failed because it has become out of date. |
2003 | PublishLinkToSelf | |
2010 | WriteLibraryInfoFailed | An error occurred while trying to write LibraryInfo object to library. |
2011 | ReadLibraryInfoFailed | An error occurred while trying to read LibraryInfo object from library. |
2012 | LibraryIdNotFound | The specified library ID was not found. |
2019 | InvalidFamilyAspect | The specified aspect name is either not supported or is being used improperly. |
2020 | ObjectDataNotFound | An attempt to get or delete the specified object data, or to get its version failed be |
2021 | AddCategory_ParentNotFound | An attempt to add a child category failed because its parent does not exist. |
2022 | UpdateCategory_CategoryNotFound | |
2023 | AttachLibrary_GeneralFailure | Unused |
2024 | AttachLibrary_CheckFileExistence | |
2025 | AttachLibrary_DataFileNotFound | Unused |
2026 | AttachLibrary_InitializeRolesAndPermissions | Unused |
2027 | AttachLibrary_AttachKnowledgeVault | |
2028 | AttachLibrary_ReadLibraryInfo | Unused |
2029 | AttachLibrary_MissingLibraryInfo | Unused |
2030 | AttachLibrary_PrepareKnowledgeVaultMetaData | Unused |
2031 | AttachLibrary_WriteKnowledgeVaultMetaData | |
2032 | AttachLibrary_UpdateLibraryUsers | Unused |
2033 | CreateLibrary_GeneralFailure | Unused |
2034 | CreateLibrary_InitializeRolesAndPermissions | Unused |
2035 | CreateLibrary_AddKnowledgeVault | Unused |
2036 | CreateLibrary_PrepareLibraryInfo | Unused |
2037 | CreateLibrary_WriteLibraryInfo | |
2038 | CreateLibrary_PrepareKnowledgeVaultMetaData | |
2039 | CreateLibrary_WriteKnowledgeVaultMetaData | |
2040 | CreateLibrary_UpdateLibraryUsers | Unused |
2041 | UpdateLibraryUsers_MissingUsers | Unused |
2042 | UpdateLibraryUsers_AddFailed | Unused |
2043 | DetachLibrary_DatabaseNotFound | Unused |
2044 | TableOfContents_NoLanguageSpecified | A null or empty lang string was passed to GetTableOfContents |
2045 | CreateLibrary_AlreadyExists | Unused |
2050 | InvalidSchema_NotCompiled | |
2051 | InvalidSchema_NoNamespace | |
2052 | InvalidSchema_UnsupportedRestriction | |
2053 | InvalidSchema_UnsupportedSimpleType | |
2054 | InvalidSchema_UnsupportedRestrictionType | |
2055 | InvalidSchema_UnsupportedDataType | |
2056 | InvalidQuery_MissingRootNode | Search was not called with proper query xml |
2057 | InvalidQuery_NoReturnValues | Search did not specify anything to return |
2058 | InvalidQuery_MissingFieldSpecifier | |
2059 | InvalidQuery_UnsupportedDataType | |
2060 | InvalidQuery_MissingReturnProperty | Search did not fully specify a return value |
2061 | InvalidQuery_DuplicateReference | Search specified a duplicate reference in a return value |
2062 | InvalidQuery_InvalidFieldReference | Search referenced a return value that does not exist |
2063 | InvalidQuery_MissingOperator | Search constraint did not specifiy an operator |
2064 | InvalidQuery_MissingSearchCriterion | Search constraint did not specify a value |
2065 | InvalidQuery_MissingPropertyRelation | |
2066 | InvalidQuery_UnsupportedSystemProperty | Search returns or is constrained by a a property that does not exist |
2067 | InvalidQuery_InvalidSchemaNamespace | |
2068 | InvalidQuery_InvalidProperty | |
2069 | InvalidQuery_InvalidRelation | |
2070 | Resource_MissingResourceID | |
2071 | Resource_StringsNotFound | |
2072 | Resource_LocaleNotFound | |
2073 | InvalidResource_MissingRootNode | |
2074 | InvalidResource_LocaleMismatch | |
2075 | InvalidResource_MissingLocale | |
2076 | QueryExecutionError | Search resulted in a SQL error |
2077 | InternalError | |
2078 | InvalidQuery_UnknownCategoryParameter | Search contained an unknown category parameter |
2079 | InvalidQuery_InvalidNumberOfValues | |
3002 | FailedToFindPropertyDefinition | |
3003 | InvalidParameterInput | |
3004 | InternalError | |
3005 | UnknownEntityClass | |
3006 | UnknownEntityClassId | |
3007 | UnknownPropertyDefinitionId | |
3008 | InvalidPropertyDefDataTypeMapping | |
3009 | EntityDataCreationFailed | |
3100 | BadLifecycleDefinitionId | |
3101 | BadStateId | |
3102 | BadTransitionId | |
3104 | AddLifeCycleStateTransitionFailed | |
3105 | AddLifeCycleStateFailed | |
3106 | AddLifeCycleDefinitionFailed | |
3107 | AddLifeCycleStateTransitionACLFailed | |
3108 | InvalidUserName | |
3109 | CannotChangeDefinitionToItself | |
3110 | InvalidDefinitionChange | |
3111 | InvalidStateTransition | |
3115 | DuplicatedStateDisplayName | |
3116 | DuplicatedDefinitionDisplayName | |
3120 | LifecycleDefinitionAlreadyExists | |
3121 | LifecycleStateAlreadyExists | |
3122 | LifecycleStateTransitionAlreadyExists | |
3123 | RulePropDefDoesNotExist | |
3124 | LifecycleDefinitionBeyondMaxLength | |
3125 | TransitionSourceStateNotExist | |
3126 | TransitionDestinationStateNotExist | |
3127 | TransitionCrossLifecycleDefinition | |
3300 | RevisionSequenceInUseCannotBeRemoved | |
3304 | RevisionSequenceInUseCannotBeUpdated | |
3306 | BadRevisionDefinitionId | |
3307 | BadRevisionSequenceId | |
3308 | RevisionSequenceDuplicateName | |
3309 | RevisionDefinitionDuplicateName | |
3310 | SeparatorNotValid | |
3311 | SeparatorExistInRevisionSequence | |
3312 | InvalidLabel | |
3313 | RevisionLabelIsNullOrEmpty | |
3314 | RevisionLabelBeyondMaxLength | |
3315 | RevisionLabelDuplicate | |
3316 | BadStartLabel | |
3321 | InvalidDefinitionChange | |
3322 | InvalidRevisionNumber | |
3330 | GetRevisionDefinitionIdsByMasterIdsFailed | |
3331 | GetNextRevisionNumbersByMasterIdsFailed | |
3333 | SetRevisionNumberFailed | |
3334 | SetRevisionNumbersFailed | |
3335 | SetRevisionDefinitionAndNumbersFailed | |
3336 | GetAllRevisionDefinitionInfoFailed | |
3337 | GetRevisionDefinitionInfoByIdsFailed | |
3338 | AddRevisionDefinitionFailed | |
3339 | UpdateRevisionDefinitionFailed | |
3340 | DeleteRevisionDefinitionFailed | |
3341 | AddRevisionSequenceFailed | |
3342 | UpdateRevisionSequenceFailed | |
3343 | DeleteRevisionSequenceFailed | |
3344 | SystemRevisionSequenceNotExist | |
3345 | ImportRevisionDefinitionFailed | |
3346 | RevisionDefinitionAlreadyExists | |
3500 | BehaviorClassDoesNotSupportRules | |
3501 | UnknownBehaviorClass | |
3502 | UnknownBehaviorClassId | |
3503 | FailureToGetBehaviorType | |
3504 | FailureToCreateBehaviorClassInstance | |
3505 | FailureToGetPropertySetId | |
3506 | BehaviorClassFailedToProvideBehaviorView | |
3507 | UnknownBehavior | |
3508 | BehaviorCannotBeAssignedAsDefault | |
3509 | BehaviorAlreadyAssocToEntityClass | |
3510 | UnknownEntityAssocTable | |
3511 | InvalidBehaviorsForAssocToEntityClass | |
3512 | TooManyDefaultBehavoirsAssigned | |
3513 | ZeroDefaultBehaviorsNoAllowed | |
3514 | UnknownBehaviorId | |
3515 | CannotDeleteBehavior_InUseByEntity | |
3516 | CannotDeleteBehavior_InUseByAnotherBehavior | |
3517 | CannotDeleteBehavior_ItIsAnEntityClassDefault | |
3518 | CannotDeleteBehavior_ReasonUnknown | |
3519 | UnknownBehaviorIdOrIsNotAssocToEntityClass | |
3700 | UnknownCategoryId | |
3701 | CategoryToCopyNotAssocToEntityClass | |
3702 | FailureToFindCategoryRuleSet | |
3703 | FailureToFindCategoryForEntity | |
3704 | CategoryIdNotAssocToEntityClass | |
3705 | CategoryAlreadyExists | |
3706 | UnknownCategory | |
3707 | EntityClassDoesNotSupportCategoryRules | |
3708 | EntityIdDoesNotMatchEntityClass | |
3709 | CategoryCfgCopyFailed | |
3710 | CategoryUpdateFailed | |
3900 | UpdatePropertyDefMappingsFailed | |
3901 | DuplicateMapping | |
3902 | NotUserDefinedPropertyDef | |
3903 | SelfMapping | |
3904 | NotFileIterationPropertyDef | |
3905 | NotIndexedFileProperty | |
3906 | GetUserDefinedPropertyDefinitionsFailed | |
3907 | UpdateUserDefinedPropertyDefFailed | |
3908 | UpdatePropertyValuesFailed | |
3909 | GetPropertyDefDeleteRestrictionsFailed | |
3910 | DeletePropertyDefsFailed | |
3911 | AddOrRemovePropertyFailed | |
3912 | AddPropertyConstraintsFailed | |
3913 | UpdatePropertyConstraintsFailed | |
3914 | DeletePropertyConstraintsFailed | |
3915 | GetPropertyConstraintFailuresFailed | |
3916 | CreateUserDefinedPropertyDefinitionsFailed | |
3917 | InvalidOperationOnSpecificConstraintType | |
3918 | DuplicateDisplayName | |
3919 | GetPropertyDefinitionsFailed | |
3920 | EntityClassIdDoesNotExist | |
3921 | UserDefinedPropertyDefIdDoesNotExist | |
3922 | UserDefinedPropertyDefIdHasAnAssignedEntityClass | |
3923 | DisplayNameCollision | |
3924 | InvalidMappingTarget_TOPropertyIsReadOnly | Certain Inventor file properties are read-only. Trying to write to them will throw e |
This message will probably never get used, since the client should not allow users | ||
This is a temporary solution for the May 2008 release. The property subsystem | ||
3925 | InvalidMapping_DifferentDatatypes | |
3926 | CheckCompliancesFailed | |
3929 | InvalidMappingTarget_FROMProperty | Not all property definitions can be used as from mapping targets. |
3930 | InvalidMappingTarget_TOProperty | Not all property definitions can be used as to mapping targets. |
3931 | NonCompliantConstraintWithDefaultValue | New constraint can't be added or new default vaule can't be updated if the defaul |
3932 | UpdatedValueNotIncludedInList | The updated property value must be one of the value list for property definition o |
3933 | UpdatePropertiesFailed | |
4000 | InputConfigSectionCanNotBeNull | |
4001 | InvalidPropertySetGUID | |
4002 | UDPDefintionNameCanNotBeEmpty | |
4003 | UserDefinedPropertyDefaultValueRequired | |
4004 | ValueExpressionNotParseable | |
4400 | NoSitesInWorkgroupToRequestOwnership | |
4401 | LeaseNotUp | |
4402 | ErrorsWhileTransferringOwnership | |
4403 | UnknownWorkgroup | |
4405 | WorkgroupNotEntityOwner | |
4407 | WorkgroupNotAdminOwner | |
4408 | WorkgroupIsPublisher | |
4410 | WorkgroupExists | |
4411 | NotFullSQL | |
4412 | ConfigurationError | |
4413 | ReplicationEnabled | |
4414 | SubscribingWorkgroups | |
4415 | SubscriberCleanupError | |
4416 | ReplicationNotEnabled | |
4417 | SubscriptionNotActive | |
4418 | ServerConnectionFailureOrChangesPending | |
4419 | DatabaseReplicationEnabled | |
4420 | WorkgroupIsSubscriber | |
4421 | SubscriberSqlVersionMismatch | |
4423 | OtherEntityInGroupNotTransferrable | |
4424 | DatabaseNotReplicated | |
4425 | DatabaseInvalidCharacters | |
4600 | InvalidSystemName | Systems names set through the API must be a GUID, "D" format. |
4601 | DatabaseTakeOnlineFailed | |
4602 | InvalidSearchOperation | |
8000 | TicketInvalid | |
8001 | CannotSyncConfiguration | |
8002 | FileMissingFromStore | |
8003 | DataManagerNotConfigured | |
8004 | SiteSigninError | |
8005 | WebServiceError | |
8006 | UnregisteredExternalFileUploader | |
8007 | ExternalFileUploaderNotInstalled | |
8008 | UploadExternalFileFailed |
Vault error codes
Zen Admin
- Updated
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