Autodesk Uniclass Specification Manger for Revit


By Garry Stockton


Uniclass is a unified, consistent classification system for the UK industry covering all construction sectors. It’s an open system for BIM, and it should be freely available for use throughout the project and beyond into Building Life Cycle.

Many Revit Families are created by companies outside the UK, and most of these organisations use a classification system (such as Omniclass) which does not comply with UK BIM standards. 

Autodesk has created a software tool that sits in the 'Add-Ins' tab in your Revit and can be used when importing 3rd party families to update to the correct 'Uniclass' standard. This useful addition will ensure you maintain the appropriate classification by and ideally should be embedded in your templates. 

Import the following link into your browser 

Under Classification Manager, select click (as highlighted below)



Select the version of Revit you are running..

Ensure you shut down your Revit software and re-open once installation is complete.

Help Pages
The Classification Manager includes a detailed Help system that can be accessed here.




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