Autodesk Quick Access Toolbars


By Dennis Collin

The Quick Access toolbar is a great way to access certain frequently used functions without having to sift ribbon commands or remember short cut keys. It works by displaying common options like to undo and redo changes to your file or so save an existing or start a new document. To undo or redo a less recent change, click the drop-down button to the right of the Undo and Redo buttons. Other commands include functions like ‘Property Painter’, Distance measurement and Dimensioning Functions.

Several Quick Access Toolbars showing a range of QAT config options.

You can add as many tools as you need to the Quick Access toolbar. Tools that extend past the maximum length of the toolbar are displayed in a flyout button. The quick access toolbar arrived in the Autodesk suite of programs back in 2009. It is supplied with Revit, AutoCAD, LT, Max and the Navisworks set of programs

Location wise the toolbars default position is above the Ribbon in the top left hand corner of the screen, practically I find it more useful below the ribbon of all the products, this includes AutoCAD and Revit as it tends to be closer to the positioning of the mouse cursor. To reposition the Quick Access toolbar click on the last button on the QAT itself. And choose to position the bar below the ribbon.

Dependent upon product other commands like measure, dimension and lineweight controls are also available subject to customisation and product options.

Revit Customise Drop-Down Menu

This menu dropdown will vary according to product but is very useful as in having ‘another way’ of accessing common commands from a range of different products.

This is especially useful if on a given day you flip between different products within an Autodesk Suite as one has a common interface to perform routine daily tasks with a great level of efficiency.

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