Autodesk Inventor 2016 – Finding components in the browser and the scene


By Gus Petrikas 

If you are working with large assemblies in Autodesk Inventor, here's a tool you must know about:

Find in Browser

Right-click on a component (or assembly) in your viewport, and pick Find in Browser. This will locate the selected component in your left-hand Browser (Component List).


Find in Window

Right-click on an object in the Browser and select Find in Window (Keyboard shortcut – END button).
This will zoom in on the part or assembly in your window (viewport).

Simple and very, very effective.

Bonus Tip: Use the Selection Filter to make selecting the exact entity in the viewport much easier and quicker.


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1 comment

  • Comment author
    Brendan Henderson

    A similar approach can be taken with the Vault browser also in Inventor. Except that it's a bit broken in 2016 in that viewing the Vault tree and selecting a part in the model doesn't highlight the file. Switching back to Model and then back to Vault does show the file. It worked perfectly up to 2014. I can't comment on 2015 as I skipped that year.


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