Inventor 2016 - iLogic: Filter parts list by balloons

Zen Admin
Zen Admin

By Insider

Here is a little iLogic utility that filters the parts list on a drawing to only show the items that are ballooned.

Have a look at the animated GIF below:

The Code is available from the link below

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  • Comment author
    Adrian Salariu

    I am just curious of why shouldn't I use Parts List filter "Ballooned Only" and use the ilogic code?

    What are the benefits?

  • Comment author
    Zen Admin

    Hi Adrian

    That's a great question! The idea with any of our iLogic code is to show people an alternative way of doing something, or even still a good way to automate a task.

    In this instance, this code could be quite useful if used as part of a drawing compliancy check.

  • Comment author
    Chris Newman


    First off grate little tool works very well.

    only thing I have a concern with is i am using this to show part of an assembly for manufacturer to "kit up" so i would need the Qty. to be correct to all items in that view. is there a way to get the script to update Qty. to be correct to the view ?

    Kind Regards

  • Comment author
    Zen Admin

    Hi Chris, this should not need any code, the qty is pulled directly from the model. So should be correct (Unless you have defer updates on)

  • Comment author
    Patryk Jurkian

    Hi, do you know, how change your script which do it in reverse order? I mean that when I do invisible rows in the table automatically balloons disappear from drawing...
    I'm trying, but don't work properly it, can you help me ?


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