Revit 2016 - Worksharing Display Monitor

Zen Admin
Zen Admin
  • Updated

By James Philip

Use worksharing display modes to visually distinguish workshared project elements.

You can use worksharing display modes to display:

  • Checkout Status. The ownership status of elements.
  • Owners. The specific owners of elements.
  • Model Updates. Elements that are out of sync with, or have been deleted from, the central model.
  • Worksets. Which elements are assigned to particular worksets.

Note: The worksharing display mode commands are available on the View Control Bar after worksharing has been enabled in the project.

In the example shown here, the view displays model elements that need to be synchronized with the central model. Views with the worksharing

display mode enabled display a coloured border and the name of the applied display mode (Model Updates) as shown here. You can turn off or change the display mode at any time.

When you enable worksharing display modes, the following occurs to display styles:

  • wireframe remains as wireframe
  • hidden line remains as hidden line
  • all other display styles switch to hidden line
  • shadows are turned off

When you turn off worksharing display modes, the original display style settings are automatically reset.

Note: While in worksharing display mode, you can change the display style or turn shadows back on. Note that if you do this, the worksharing display colours may not display as expected.

Worksharing display modes work with ghost surfaces as well as edit modes. Note that in edit modes, elements such as sketch lines may display according to the colour enabled in the worksharing display mode. You can turn the worksharing display mode on or off as needed to avoid confusion with edit modes.

Worksharing display modes can be used with Temporary Hide/Isolate. If you are in both modes, the colour of elements is determined by the worksharing display colours and the visibility of the elements is affected by Temporary Hide/Isolate.

Printing with Worksharing Display

You can print drawings with the worksharing display mode turned on or off. When you print a drawing and any worksharing display modes are on, the Print with Worksharing Display dialog lists the views in which these modes are enabled. Specify whether to print the display mode colour.

Setting the Worksharing Display Options

You can visually distinguish Checkout Status, Owners, Model Updates or Worksets in a workshared project.

To visually distinguish Worksets:

1.  On the View Control Bar, click Workset:

The owners are visually identified by colour in the model.

To assign colour to the Worksets:

1.  On the View Control Bar, click Worksharing Display Settings:

2.  Click the Workset tab.
3.  Select Show Colour for the desired Workset.
4.  For each Workset, click Colour. In the Colour dialog, select the colour to use and click OK.
5.  Click Apply.

The specified colour for the corresponding Workset displays in the model.

Follow the same process for any of the Worksharing display tabs.

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