By Gus Petrikas
Broken links in Inventor drawings might cause problems reference problems, increase the file size, produce missing file error messages. The logical solution to these problems would be to Break (remove) links, but that option is not always available.
At this point you might be stuck with a few embedded .bmp files, which would inflate your .dwg file size significantly.
Worry not! We have a small iLogic script that cleans up your drawing file.
This will remove all the OLE links, links to old simulations, etc. Basically, it will get rid of any external, non-Inventor links to the drawing file (it will keep links to parts and assemblies, of course).
Please find the .txt file containing the script attached below.
Here's a quick GIF showing the usage of a .txt script:
Credit goes to Clint Brown for adapting the VBA script to iLogic.
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