How can I stop users reporting incidents outside of my area?
Admin users can create (and edit) Boundary Check Layers. These can be associated to any Incident to ensure that when a user tries to report an incident the users click must be within a designated boundary e.g. a local authority region.
- Database – is the spatial database that the boundary table is within.
- Geometry Table – is the spatial table containing the boundary polygon/s.
- Geometry Column – is the field in the spatial table that contains the geometry.
- Out of Bounds Message Column - This will be a column in your underlying boundary table that contains a textual message e.g. “please enter an incident within your local authority”.
- In Bounds Column - is used to define if the users click is within or outside of the permitted boundary for reporting an incident. For example your spatial table could have 2 or more polygons, for your boundary the value in the In Bounds Column will be ‘Y’, and for any other polygons e.g. a neighbouring borough the In Bounds value will be ‘N’.
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