Inventor: Quick Tip – Bolted Connection Pre-sets

Zen Admin
Zen Admin
  • Updated

By Gus Petrikas


A quick tip on Bolted Connections in Autodesk Inventor.

A little time saving tip if you intend to use the same bolted connection more than once, why not create a “Bolted Connection Set”. A Bolted Connection Set is a pre-defined bolted connection assembly that you can save and reuse.

A bolted Connection set can even be used in areas where a longer or shorter bolt is required (as long as it is available in the standard being used)

Here’s how to set it up:

  • Open your assembly.
  • Navigate to Design Tab and click Bolted Connection.

  • Click on the two arrows (>>) at the bottom right-hand corner to expand the dialog

  • Set up the Bolted Connection that you want to reuse, and click Add

  • Finally, when in your assembly, select the location you want to place your preset bolted connection, and simply click Set


That’s it, a quick and simple tip that will increase your efficiency and productivity.

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