AutoCAD 2016 – Change Text or Attribute Case

  • Updated

By Miles Nicholson 

Have you ever written a long sentence, assigned several annotations and then realised that you have had caps lock in the wrong state?

The Express Tools provides additional commands that are not in the generic version of your version of AutoCAD whether a “vanilla” or a “vertical” version.

You can window around several text annotations whether text, mtext or attributes or select one at a time

You then have the option of changing to Sentence case, lowercase, UPPERCASE, Title Case or Toggle cASE

If you do not have Express Tools installed, follow the notes below: 

When you install any of the AutoCAD versions whether “vanilla” AutoCAD, AutoCAD Mechanical, AutoCAD Electrical etc. you have the option of installing the Express Tools. At any further point, you can  add the Express Tools by

  • Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features > Highlight the version of Autodesk AutoCAD…. Installed
  • Select Change
  • Select Add or Remove Features
  • Go through the options until the Feature page

  • Ensure that Express Tools is ticked

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