Inventor 2016: Design accelerators

Zen Admin
Zen Admin
  • Updated

By Clint Brown

Autodesk Inventor has a plethora of often overlooked design accelerators built into the standard product.

There are currently 20 Design Accelerators and 24 Design Calculators in Inventor 2016 (see the list below)

In the video below, Jay Tedeschi of Autodesk shows off a few design accelerators and calculators in Inventor 2016

Below is my video - A Guide to Bolted Connections

Here is another one of my videos: Autodesk Inventor - Frame Generator Tips


The information below is from the Autodesk Knowledge network

You can use the following Design Accelerator generators:

Engineering calculators use standard mathematical formulas and physical theories in design and validation of mechanical systems.

The following Design Accelerator calculators are available:

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