By John Flanagan
Revit Architecture 2016: Implementing Company Standards
About guides to assist the Implementation of Company Standards in Revit Architecture.
Revit Architecture 2016: Implementing Company Standards
To make BIM management easier, at least make sure you have an office standard. If however you want to collaborate with others and want to exchange data with ease, consider using or adapting some of the standards already in place. Depending on your location, go online to check out the following:
AEC (UK) BIM Protocol – Implementing UK Standards for the AEC Industry
Overall, the AEC (UK) BIM Protocol v2.0 is a highly recommended starting point for those without a proven BIM methodology or, for those who have, it provides invaluable best practice approaches validated by many renowned design firms. Despite being aimed at the UK market, it has been adopted by many more companies beyond the UK’s borders, providing a cohesive open dialog between Canadian, Australian and New Zealand BIM protocols to name but a few. With the release of the software-specific supplements, the AEC (UK) BIM Protocol intends to deliver a common implementation of BIM working methods throughout the architectural, engineering and construction industry.
Building Smart
All building information is shared by one open format called IFC.
The National BIM Guide is to assist clients, consultants and stakeholders to clarify their BIM requirements in a nationally consistent manner.
The following links may be useful also.
When working on complex projects the ultimate aim is to document and share all information by one open format using one standardised terminology. Guidelines and checklists aimed to accomplish this goal can be downloaded for free from the links listed in this blog.
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