Inventor 2016: Error message when starting Cable and Harness Report

Zen Admin
Zen Admin

By Service Packs Blog


When starting Cable and Harness Report in Inventor 2016 a message is shown that file "MFC71U.DLL" is missing and Report Generator does not start.

“reportgenerator.exe - System Error

The program can't start because MFC71U.DLL is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.”

A resolution for this incident is being investigated for and Inventor 2016 hot fix



Copy needed files from an older Inventor release on your computer.

1. Go to Inventor installation folder of an older, existing Inventor release, typically "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Inventor 20xx\Bin" *

2. Copy files "MFC71U.dll", "MSVCR71.dll" and "MSVCP71.dll"

3. Go to Inventor 2016 installation folder, typically "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Inventor 2016\Bin"

4. Paste files from step 2 to this folder.

--> Cable and Harness Report should work as expected now in Inventor 2016:

* 20xx --> Inventor release existing on your machine. 2015 --> Inventor 2015

Source: Autodesk

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