Autodesk Revit 2015 – Adding Alternative Units to Dimensions


By Martin Phelps

This is not a new feature and will work with some previous versions, but is an often asked question. As in my previous blog before carrying out any changes to a dimension family, it may be better to create a new family, so that any changes made do not affect the original.

Select an existing dimension which requires the changes.


In the “Properties” dialogue, select “Edit Type”, the “Type Properties” dialogue is now displayed.

Select “Duplicate” in the top right corner to create a new dimension family, rename the family to make it unique, the changes made will only affect the new family.

Remaining in the “Type Properties” dialogue box, scroll down the list to the “Text” section, if the section requires expanding select the double up arrow icon on the right of the section bar.

To add additional units to the new dimension family select the word “None” in the “Alternative Units” row.

The drop down arrow in the right corner of the field will enable the positioning of the additional dimension to either the right or below the existing dimension.

To set the alternative units, select “1235[mm]” bar in the value column of the “Alternative Units Format” row.

The units “Format” dialogue box is now displayed.

From the “Units” drop down list select the required unit’s format, for example “Feet and fractional inches”.

Note: - The dimension options in the left of this dialogue change to suit the unit’s format selected, including the “Rounding” value which is currently set to the nearest ½”

“OK” all dialogue boxes to confirm changes, the new dimension family is shown below.


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