Revit® 2015 Update Release 6 for R2 for Subscription customers

Zen Admin
Zen Admin

by Service Packs blog

Luke Johnson of "What Revit Wants" has just reported that Autodesk have released Revit® 2015 Update Release 6 for R2 for Subscription customers, original link to his post here:

Here is the link for Revit 2015 R2:



Autodesk® Revit® Architecture 2015 Updates
 - Corrects the behavior that caused view templates to apply incorrectly for some views, if a temporary view
template was also applied to the view.*
- Improves stability when editing a families.*
- Improves loading and editing families which contain extensible storage.*
- Allows type parameters in upgraded families to swap from one type to another.*
- Improves stability when upgrading a project which contains corrupt families.*
- Improves notification reliability when closing a workset in which a rvt file link has been placed.*
- Improves stability while opening the Material Dialog.

Autodesk® Revit® MEP 2015 Updates
 - Improves highlighting of circuits in the plan view from a panel schedule or System Browser.*

Autodesk® Revit® API 2015 Updates
 - Improves querying of point cloud on RCS files using the Revit pointcloud API.*

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