Autodesk Inventor 2015 – Application freezes when accessing Home Screen


By Kim Hyde 

If you have recently upgraded your Inventor or perhaps AutoCAD to the current 2015 only to find that the application freezes with the `eternal spinning donut’, you may have an issue with your domain environment blocking access to a Web browser task.

To get past the problem, open the Windows Task Manager and end the following process that is listed via the Process tab: 

`AdCefWebBrowser.exe *32’


After ending the task Inventor should continue to open normally.  As a work around to prevent this happening each time you start Inventor, turn of the `Show My Home on startup’ by un-ticking the selection on the General tab of Inventor’s Application Options.


You may also want to investigate any anti-virus settings deployed on the domain that may be blocking the Web browser.

Also see the Autodesk Discussion Group link:



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