by Gareth Spencer
Sorry I haven't been blogging for a while. I am still here just had a crazy schedule, but I am here at AU2014 for the first time. Being a first timer it's been an eye opener to me how many people come here from all over the world.
I am sat here in one of my classes with a lot of people from all around the world who are here to learn some great and interesting things here at AU2014.
Over the first day I have seen some interesting things to do with fabrication in the form of Advanced steel which has a bio directional link with Revit. So updating a model in advanced steel can update the Revit model. You can even check what has changed when you bring in the model back into Revit from Advance Steel, which is a no brainer for me.
Workflows over the years currently with Revit any other steel detailing programs hasn't been great, but with Autodesk now taking applications on Advance Steel this is going to put Autodesk back into the market in this area. Other workflows with Robot for your structural analysis , Plant 3D for all the steel detailing needs. It also works with Navisworks so you can load your steel fabrication models and check detect etc, but note you to add an object enabler. Once in Navisworks you can push it to the cloud based BIM 360 Glue and take your model on-site. Advanced Steel also has links with Inventor FDS ACIS file by import and export. To considering product workflow it appears to have it all with even data management with the options to save your data directly into Vault. Oh and not to forest you can add point clouds in, but you need to just switch into AutoCAD workspace while you insert then switch back into the Advanced Steel workspace.
I even got picture taken and if I am the lucky person could be the face the Autodesk Foundation magazine.
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