by Clint Brown
Happy New Year! Some of you may have already noticed that we have updated Cadline Community.
We have moved over to a new platform that allows our users much better search functionality and a few enhancements like recently viewed and related articles.
We are still refining the new site and adding functionality and better navigation. If you see anything that looks out of place, or have any suggestions or questions, please feel free to email or tweet me about them or comment below. Your feedback would really be appreciated.
We have bought over 95% of the content from the old site, so a simple search will will return results for your favorite articles. If you have any specific links saved or want to access the old site, you can reach it by visiting For saved links, simply replace the www with classic and you will be able to get to our old articles.
Try out the new search here: or above
Search our site
One of my favorite new features are the video playlists, check them out here:
- Vault video playlist
- AutoCAD video playlist
- Infraworks video playlist
- Revit video playlist
- Tas and Cymap video playlist
- Inventor video playlist
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