By Martin Phelps
Over my next few blogs I’m going to highlight some of the sub commands which may get over looked, these features can give additional command flexibility improving drawing presentation and saving draughting time. In the blog these will only appear as quick tips, but a more detailed explanation of these functions will appear on the “Tips and Tricks” section of the CADline Community web site.
For example when placing leader lines using the multi leader command, by default the first point picked is to specify the leader arrowhead location; the next selected point is to specify the leader landing location, once picked the multi-line text is automatically started.
Sometimes however the textual information may be require placement prior to placing the arrow, this can be done by accessing the command, but instead of selecting a point on screen for the arrow head, use one of the sub commands shown on the command line, these are “leader Landing first” “Content first” and “Options”, and can be accessed by either typing in the capital letter shown for each function or by right mouse clicking in the drawing area and selecting from the displayed menu.
The positional sub commands are as follows “Content first” or type in “C” to place text before the arrow, “leader Landing first” or “F” to place the landing first followed by the arrow head and text data, or to return back to the default function by selecting “leader arrowHead first” or type in “H” to pick a point for the arrow followed by the leader and then the text.
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