Product Design Suite 2015 - Installations

Zen Admin
Zen Admin

by Chris Turner

As we travel quite extensively and implement solutions, I have to say that installing software these days, although quite lengthy, is a lot easier and less error prone. Perhaps we have all just got better at it, but I personally have found installation less problematic by keeping a few things in mind. Here are a few points that I usually look out for before I install any of the Autodesk Suites.


Firstly, you can install 2015 with previous versions and it is supported, but I would definitely advise not doing this unless you have good reason to do so. Sometimes uninstalling older versions of software can remove common windows elements which could affect the current release, so if you do this, you may need to repair your current installation afterwards.


IMPORTANT: You will need to allow for a few hours to complete the upgrade. Please can you make sure you have backed up all your files. With the details below, the uninstall and the install requires the following to be in place while doing this:-

-          Full PC admin privileges

-          (User Account Control) UAC disabled

-          Anti-Virus software disabled

-          Windows critical updates (before and possibly after the upgrade)

-          Multiple reboots may be necessary


If you don’t make sure you have the above in place, this can cause problems with the install.


Removing older software first and doing a general clean-up of your PC is a good idea, so I go with the following when updating software: -

-          Make sure you have backed up your PC and the files you have created.

-          Uninstall ALL of the old Autodesk Software.

  • If you are using 2013 or higher, there is a great uninstall tool which you can find here: -
  • If you have older software, I suggest you look at the following Autodesk Knowledge Base link. .

-          Clean-up any unused files/folders as necessary.

-          Install Windows Critical Updates (Critical Only) and reboot.

-          Install PDSP/PDSU 2015 and include Service Packs available.

-          Install Showcase 2015 (a separate download from the Autodesk Subscription Center).

  • Please see my previous blog here which specifically covers this issue.

-          Migrate your Inventor Design Data and Templates.

  • You can use the Style Library Manager to update your styles and then update and save your templates.


After installation I usually reboot and check for any further Windows updates. When you launch the software for the first time, it should connect and authorise your (standalone)software directly over the internet.


I always ensure I start and initialise each product especially if I am going to install Autodesk Vault afterwards. Also use the new Autodesk Application Manager to install all recent updates.


Good luck with your installs. I find if you do what I do, the chances of a problematic or bad installation is minimised greatly!


There are quite a few other blog posts on the Cadline Community which cover various installation issues. I recommend looking at these also…

-          Inventor Content Center Libraries -

-          Inventor Metric Units -

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