Inventor Quick Tip - Sketchy lines

Zen Admin
Zen Admin
  • Updated

By Clint Brown


Versions of Revit (since the 2015 release) have had the ability to display drawing views as Sketchy lines (I’ve been told that has been in AutoCAD since release 2007). I thought it would be great to get the same functionality in Inventor, so I set out to create a workflow that would allow for this.

Open your Inventor DWG file in AutoCAD and click on the view that you would like to display as “sketchy” on the controls that appear above the view, click on the drop-down that says “2D Wireframe” and select “Sketchy”. Your drawing view will now display as sketchy lines.

A few things to note, these changes will only apply to the AutoCAD version of the drawing, and once you save the drawing in Inventor, the Sketchy lines will need to be re-implemented in AutoCAD.

You can now complete a nice detailed drawing in Inventor, and then show an isometric view as sketchy, you will be able to create some cool looking concept sketches from your Inventor models, and you can print or save to PDF.

The video below shows the workflow 

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