AutoCAD 2015 “BADGES”

Zen Admin
Zen Admin

By Martin Phelps

It’s been two or three weeks since my last blog, this has been due to training commitments and some time off, now back to the blog.  This one relates to a new system which gets added after loading AutoCAD 2015 and AutoCAD LT 2015 Service Pack 1.

After installation of the service pack, users now have the option of whether or not to display the “BADGES” at the crosshairs, which up until now have always been displayed.

The “BADGE” display is controlled by the recently added “CURSORBADGE” system variable.

The value is saved in the registry with a default value of 2 this will display all “BADGES”, changing the value to 1 will disable the following “BADGES”.

  • Crossing and Window Selection
  • Erase
  • Copy
  • Move
  • Rotate
  • Scale
  • Zoom
  • Inspection
  • Add Vertex
  • Convert to Arc
  • Hatch Inherit Property


Personally having the “BADGES” displayed aids drawing production and falls in line with Autodesk’s heads up user interface.

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