Autodesk Inventor 2012 - Link View and Positional Representations using iLogic

Zen Admin
Zen Admin

By Luke Davenport

A little iLogic break for you guys – Here’s how you can link your positional and view representations in an Inventor assembly (so that if you change the active positional rep, the view rep automatically changes). This will allow simple control of part visibility, colour overrides and view angle (View Rep) as well as positional changes based on assembly constraints (Pos Rep). Here’s all the code I’ve used (thanks to Curtis Waguespack for the meaty bits) – and check out this video for more information. Enjoy!


Code for Using an iLogic Form


' set a reference to the assembly component definintion.

' This assumes an assembly document is open.

Dim oAsmCompDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition

oAsmCompDef = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ComponentDefinition


'set View and Positional Representation based on parameter

If SetViewandPosReps = "CLOSED" Then



Else If SetViewandPosReps = "OPEN" Then



End If


Set View Rep Based on Active Positional Rep.

' set a reference to the assembly component definintion.

' This assumes an assembly document is open.

Dim oAsmCompDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition

oAsmCompDef = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ComponentDefinition


'set View Representation based on the active Positional Representation

If oAsmCompDef.RepresentationsManager.ActivePositionalRepresentation.Name = "CLOSED" Then


ElseIf oAsmCompDef.RepresentationsManager.ActivePositionalRepresentation.Name = "OPEN" Then


End If

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