Minimize Accidental Check-out of Files in Vault 2012

Zen Admin
Zen Admin

by Kim Hyde

When you select something on your PC do you click on the item once, or do you double-click?  … sometimes it’s the difference from the function working or not working!

I have come across problems with users of Vault checking-out files when really all they wanted to do is look at it (this is particularly true for new users to the application).  Sometimes checking-out large assemblies AND saying `yes’ to checking-out all dependencies can cause real problems when sharing designs.

Keeping an eye on some fundamentals here, it’s worth understanding the difference between the functions of `Open’ and `View in Window...’

Right-click on any file in Vault displays the context menu with `Open’ listed in bold text , `View in Window ..’ in standard text:

Firstly (as default) if you double-click a file or right-click and select `Open’ is does the same thing … well actually two things!  It copies a file to your workspace AND prompts a yes or no for a check-out:

Performing a check-out on any file will effectively place a `reserve’ on the file to the user preventing any other users from working on the Vaulted file.

Alternatively, if the user selects `View in Window …’ to quote `Ronseal’ … “it does exactly what it says on the tin”!; Vault will run a related application and DOES NOT copy a file to the workspace. 

A clear advantage for just viewing files for checking etc. without cluttering-up your PC.  Another advantage when viewing Autodesk CAD data, because Design Review is used as the viewing engine, the different vaulted versions stored in the Vault are selectable: 

Changing the Default

To change the default for double-click from Open to View in Window, select the Vault Options via the Tools menu, when applied this also changes the right-click menu making View in Window bold:

To clarify what mean as a `related application’, the following list applies for common file formats:

.doc, .docx                       Microsoft Word

.pdf                                 Adobe Reader

All Inventor files                Autodesk Design Review

All AutoCAD dwg’s             Autodesk Design Review

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