Plant 3D 2015 unable to place equipment or nozzle

Zen Admin
Zen Admin
  • Updated

by Justin Doughty


Just a quick update to let you know about a recent issue I had with Plant 3D 2015.

I was working in Plant 3D 2015, and found that when I went to create equipment or place a nozzle on an existing piece of equipment, nothing happened.

I ran through the usual diagnosis, however I was unsure what had changed, as this was previously working. It turned out this is an issue with a clash between the Extension 1 to Plant 3D and Service Pack 2 of AutoCAD. Uninstalling either one will resolve the issue, however if you wish to have both installed Autodesk have provided a fix.


The fix can be found here:

Autodesk Plant 3D 2015 readme

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