by Justin Doughty
With the recent release of AutoCAD 2015, some users may have noticed the removal of the “AutoCAD Classic” Workspace.
DON’T PANIC! Below are some simple steps to return a classic style workspace and toolbars:
Save your current workspace as, and give this a name (“Classic” for example). This will ensure you can always revert to the standard, if anything happens:
Next show the menu bar:
In the command line type RIBBONCLOSE:
Finally turn on the toolbars. I have included the default ticked items from 2014 in the method below:
This should get you back to something more familiar, however I always suggest that the new user interface is learnt at a later date.
Embrace the change!
UPDATE: AutoCAD Mechanical users, search the community for "AutoCAD Mechanical 2015 - Classic Workspace Update" there are full instructions for AutoCAD mechanical!
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