AutoCAD 2015: Restoring the Classic Worskpace

Zen Admin
Zen Admin
  • Updated

by Justin Doughty

With the recent release of AutoCAD 2015, some users may have noticed the removal of the “AutoCAD Classic” Workspace.

DON’T PANIC! Below are some simple steps to return a classic style workspace and toolbars:

Save your current workspace as, and give this a name (“Classic” for example). This will ensure you can always revert to the standard, if anything happens:

Next show the menu bar:

In the command line type RIBBONCLOSE:

Finally turn on the toolbars. I have included the default ticked items from 2014 in the method below:

This should get you back to something more familiar, however I always suggest that the new user interface is learnt at a later date.

Embrace the change!


UPDATE: AutoCAD Mechanical users, search the community for "AutoCAD Mechanical 2015 - Classic Workspace Update" there are full instructions for AutoCAD mechanical!


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