Rotate Views on a Sheet in Revit 2013

Zen Admin
Zen Admin

by Justin Doughty

So you would like to rotate a view placed on a sheet in Revit.

On the sheet, the Modify> Rotate command is greyed out, and selecting the view on the sheet only gives you options to rotate the view by 90° in either direction:

But what if you wanted to rotate the view to a different angle? For example you wanted to show the area detailed below, horizontally on the sheet:

To do this, select the view in the project browser, right click and duplicate the view. Rename it to something appropriate, and in that view select “show crop region”

Now select the crop region, select Modify> Rotate and rotate the crop region to the angle needed:

Finally hide the crop region, and now you can place this new rotated view on to your sheet:

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