Autodesk Vault 2013 and Anti-Virus Programs

Zen Admin
Zen Admin

by Chris Turner

Some anti-virus programs may restrict some Vault operations and may also cause some performance issues. All Anti-Virus software is different and will need to be configured accordingly (contact your supplier), but typically you should do some checks to make sure it’s not giving you a headache and causing issues.

Each environment is different, but make sure that the anti-virus is not scanning the same files multiple times. Files may be scanned in the local client workspace, then again with all inbound / outbound network traffic, then the server itself may be scanning all inbound / outbound network traffic, then the server may also be scanning the Vault Filestore!

In general, making some tweaks to the anti-virus software, may just help you have a better vault experience.

On the Client

Create exclusions for specific applications to prevent them from any real-time scanning or firewall inclusion.  This typically includes any of your CAD applications, like Inventor or AutoCAD and the Vault software. Such as: -

  • Connectivity.VaultPro.exe
  • Autoloader.exe
  • JobProcessor.exe
  • Acad.exe
  • Inventor.exe


On the Server

In addition to the above exclusions for the client, the Vault Filestore itself could also be set as excluded.

This would include: -

  • w3wp.exe
  • Connectivity.ADMSConsole.exe

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