AutoCAD Plant Report Creator 2012

Zen Admin
Zen Admin

By Andy Davis

Today's update is about the new AutoCAD Plant Report Creator tool that has been added to the Plant Design Suite. 

When I say new, I mean that it is new to Autodesk. They have acquired the PlantReporter application from ACPlant, repackaged and rebranded it for the 2012 release of AutoCAD P&ID and Plant 3D and bundled it in with the Plant Design Suites.

The Report Creator is a standalone application that runs outside of the AutoCAD environment to generate process and engineering reports from any 2012 P&ID or Plant project database. The reports are fully customisable and can be formatted to include company logos etc and comply with most presentation requirments and then output to PDF, HTML or other file format or simply printed. The new reports are additional to the existing spreadsheet style reports that are available from within the AutoCAD application.

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