Revit - Importing Family Types

Zen Admin
Zen Admin


I need to edit a family that I have created but because there are a large number of types, but when I created the family I exported the family types so it created a text file. Now when I open the family I only have one of the types inside the family. How can I open the family with the different family types?


  1. You need to open the family.
  2. Then from the Ribbon click Insert tab > Import panel >   (Import Family Types).
  3. In the Import Family Types dialog, navigate to the folder containing the family type (*.txt) file to import.
  4. Select the file, and click Open.

Note: If the existing family has defined types, the Import Family Types - Type Already Exists dialog displays.


5. If prompted, select one of the following options, or click Cancel to stop the import process:


  • Delete existing family types and import new types. All of the existing types in the family are deleted, and all types in the import file are added to the family.
  • Import all new types and overwrite existing. Any types in the existing family that have the same name as types in the import file are overwritten, and new types from the import file are added to the family.
  • Keep existing types and import only new types. All existing types are preserved and new types from the import file are added to the family. Any types in the import file that share the same name as existing types are not imported.

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