by John Flanagan
- Tip 1: Hold down the Control Key and click the Tab Key to cycle through open
project views.
- Tip 2: Hold down the Control and Shift Keys to re-cycle through open project
- Tip 3: Type Z and enter to perform a zoom extents simultaneously in several tiled
views. This saves a lot of time on large projects.
- Tip 4: Select an element and type vh to quickly hide it.
- Tip 5: Double click in the blue area at the top of a tiled view window to change it to full
- Tip 6: Type SM for Mid-Point snap.
- Tip 7: Snap overrides can be found on the Ribbon’s Manage Tab.
Use the keyboard shortcuts to activate you chosen snap preference.
- Tip 8: When using the modify tools in Revit such as Move, Copy, Rotate, Mirror and
Array, you usually select items first and then the command. However, some tools
you select first before selecting an item include the trim commands at the bottom
of the modify panel.
- Tip 9: When using the rotate command in Revit Architecture there are two ways to alter
the centre of rotation. You can click and drag or use the place option from the
options bar underneath the Ribbon.
- Tip 10: The Aligned Dimension tool is located on the Annotate Tab but it is quicker to
access it from the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT).
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